1981 School Magazine

,,,, W The Inter-House Athletics Carnival (Woolcock's most successlul sporting event), took place at C.E.G.S. on 24th August. Wiih an athletically inclined grade eight class,.Susie Co6per (runner-up in the grade eight competition) and Pam Rogers (winner ol the grade ten competition), we did ex- ceedingly well. Not only was Woolcock the over-all winners ol the iarnivat, but managed to win the Ballgames Cup too' All girls performed the miraculous improvement from fourth place in 1980. The theme of "ice-cream" was adopted for School Day this year. We supplied the hungry crowds with delicious ice- Lream sundaei, lruit salad and ice-cream and milkshakes' The grade nine class were a little adventurous and presented,a HaLrited House. Prolits from School Day went towards Woolcock's Fund raising. As that concluded my report, ol Woolcock's endeavours and achievements, I feel that 1981 has been a most interesting year for me and certainly an ex- tremely successlul one lor the whole house. I think that credit should go to the grade elevens who have shown responsibility and enthusiasm throughout the past year, and who I am sure will do an excellent job next year. On my final note I would like to give a special thank-you to all the House Seniors who have done a wonderlul job and been most helpful to me and last ol all to Miss Cahill and Mr. Bromiley who helped the year run as smoothlY as it did. Best ol Luck ior 1982 Sonia Weir (House Captain) bv. ffi

Woo[eoe[e F{ouse Report At the beginning of 1981 Woolcock was challenged with its second year of proving to be an enthusiastic and closely-knit house. On January 28th the grade eight House Seniors and myself welcomed twenty nervous and confused grade eights to our house, who soon dedicated themselves to become fully fledged Wookcockians. The first house assembly was a real experience, where all of those comlorting DO's and DON'Ts, handed down lrom your "ever-loving ex-House Captain" Jan Gillespie, were very helpful. Much to Miss Cahill's relief, the descision was made to retain our Wonder Woolcock image. House spirit was helped along by the printing of seventy 'Wonder Woolcock' T-shirts and the practising of our famous house songs. The sensational cheer squad was reintroduced in preparation lor the Inter-House Swimming Carnival held at Centennary Pool on 25th February. Woolcock proved to have talent not only in the spectators stand, but also in the swimming pool - We came a triumphant third - well done everyone! Wooicock's House Barbeque, held on Wednesday 4th March, was a great success in encouraging house com- munication between the junior and senior girls. Fun and games began the day, followed by a delicious smorgasbord dinner, then an invigorating sing-a-long and finished on a lattening note - the chocolate eating game. Thanks goes to the House Seniors and also to those grade twelve giris, who helped in making our barbeque a most enjoyabie and memorable occasion. The grade eights proved themselves to be talented sportswomen when they were runners-up in the grade eight soltball competition. The grade nines also competed in the grade nine netball competition and tied for fourth place. These girls showed a fine example of Woolcock spirit and enthusiasm. On the lTth August the Inter-House R. T. Jelferies Chorale Competition was held in the Auditorium. All of our time and effort was well rewarded when the Woolcock choir came se- cond to the Boarder's choir. Everyonewas "tickled pink" due to the fact that we constituted the smallest choir and tackled it with a cheerful diflerence. The grade elevens put in a pleas- ing elfort and special thanks goes to Jane Nicklin who did an excellent job in organizing the choir.

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