1981 School Magazine
ticipate in as students ol B.G.G.S. The day was fun and ex- citing and enjoyed by all. The cheering this year was led by the grade 9's. The most outstanding grade for Lilley was grade 8. They scored most of Lilley's points. Dimity Winders (8), Sam Leigh Cooper (8) and Sue Bruce (9) were the stars lor the day. These girls helped tremendously in putting Lilley in 3rd position. For School Day this year Lilley House held a second hand book stall. The day proved to be very interesting and beneficial to anyone entering the second hand book selling business l I would like to thank the House Seniors, and Jenny Battersby (V.H.C.), Katie McAdam (S.C.) and Julie Batstone (V.S.C.) for all the support given to me throughout the year. Last but by no means least - Mrs. Thornquist (Lilley House Mistress). Special thanks must go to this wonderful lady who put so much ol her spare time into the house as a whole. Without her the year could not have run as smoothly as it did. Perhaps the last thing I have to say is on behalf ofthe grade t2's. and that is to wish the rest ofthe house the best ofluck for the luture - GOOD LUCK LILLEY HOUSE. Best rvishes, Kristen White Lilley House Captain
Lilley House Report I 98 I saw the second year for the reintroduction of houses at Grammar. Lilley House started its year oflby welcoming the Grade 8's to the school on Wednesday the 28th of January. Monday the 2nd of February was the lirst official House Group Meeting for the year. Discussions were held over debatable aspects such as fund-raising. We decided to es- tablish ourselves as soon as possible and set down our guidelines. I congratulated all the girls in the house as by the end olthe third term for 198 1, Lilley House had raised well over its required amount. Well done! It didn't take long for the new Grade 8's to become involved in school activities, because starting on the 1 lth February was the lnterhouse soltball competition. Lilley came 4th. Thank you to Cathy Bell and Sally Homes the Grade 8 House Seniors for all your help. On Tuesday the 17th of February Lilley held a house barbeque. The idea behind the barbeque was to get girls of all ages mixing with each other. The agenda included activities both inside and out, a delicious dinner, a house photo and linally all girls participating in playing the chocolate game. This aspect of the evening was by far the most exciting and the most memorable. As the lnterhouse Swimming Carnival was approaching Jen- ny Battersby, Katie McAdam and I decided that Lilley House T-Shirts were in order. Last year only the Grade 12 girls wore T-Shirts. This year we thought that everyone should wear them. Not only did it make the house look terrilic but it prornoted a great deal of house spirit. The'Frog' emblem was used again and along with it, numerous war cries rvere tnade up. Even il'we didn't come lst, Lilley House had lots ol lun. On the lTth of August the R. T. Jefferies' Choral Concert was held in the auditorium. At first there didn't seem to be much response but as the day drew near the girls practised and practised. Thanks must go to Mrs. Thornquist, Jenny Battersby and Vanessa Blocksidge all of whom put a great deal olellort into teaching the songs to the rest of us. I must make a special thankyou to the Grade I I girls. They sup- ported the choir through to the end, turning up to all prac- tices. By the end ofthe adventure I certainly had the pleasure ol knowing these girls far better than I had before. With all our eflorts Lilley came lourth out of the 7 groups competing. On Friday the 2lst of August all girls trooped over to Churchie for another Interhouse Athletics Day. For the grade l2's it wars the last athletics day that we could par-
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