1980 School Magazine

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KARATE REPORT The Zen-do-Kai Karate Club began in March of this year and was orginally exclusive to boarders. Since then, the Club has been open to any who wish to attend classes, so that there are now about twenty{ive girls learning Zen-do-Kai. Durrng first semester, the girls were taught by Sensei Phil Hughes a Yon-dan-ho probationary fourth dan, Sem- pai Mark Waneham and Michael Peldon, f rom Churchie. The girls train on Monday and Wednesday afternoons at school, and also attend Saturday classes with the Chur- chie students at the Newstead Honbu (Zen-do-Kai's Brisbane Headquarters). ln July, fourteen girls attempted and passed their Bth Kyu blue belt grading. Kate Bell, Sue Mason, Jenny Crockart, Jane Palmer and Jill Gralow also achieved honour bars. The two clubs, Churchie and Girls' Grammar, have been involved in many activities together; such as a tourna- ment at Churchie in July, where Tracey Crowley won the blue belt division against some very strong male com- petition, and Jane Palmer and Jenny Crockart took part in a self-defence demonstration at the Churchie Fair.


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Always, there are gammy knees and battered knuckles,


golfball shins broken toes Yet, of a moment . . . . fleeting gone now Sometimes there is mind and muscle lshowa. .))

7...9.,. / !,o..,13... Fo.Oi.lrtssr

ln second semester, the girls were taught by Sensei Shane Clees, a third dan, and in September, Jane Palmer, Jenny Crockart, Sue Mason, Jenny Roberts, and Anne Keys passed their 6th Kyu green belt grading, and Jill Gralow achieved 7th Kyu. During the year, the girls have been training hard; so that they are now much fitter, healthier and more skilled in self-defence. Zen-do-Kai, which is a combination of all the best techniques f rom other martial arts styles, is an effective form of self-defence which teaches the student concentration, self-discipline, self-control and strength. All the girls would like to express their appreciation to their instructors and the people with whom they train; for their friendship and co-operation. We've learned a lot from them and will continue to learn more as we pro- gress higher into the ranks.

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