1980 School Magazine

BALLGAMES REPORT The Ballgames season officially started this year two weeks before the May Vacation with the 13 years, an enthusiastic crowd of sixty girls of whom we required twentyl However with much time and patience and the help of Miss Harvey, Jane Davis, Kathy Adams and Miss Hatton (who had officially retired)we managed to select a team. For the remainder of the age groups, Ballgames started immediately on our return f rom the holidays, with every one in high spirits and with determination to face the onslaught. At trainings everybody worked as a whole team rather than as separate age groups, which encouraged greater spirit and interaction between the girls. This I Jeel is essential as Ballgames is a team effort. This year the Q.G.S.S.S.A. Ballgames Competition was held at lpswich Girls Grammar School on August 1st, an amazingly fine day after two days of heavy rain which had everyone worried. This proved to be a great success for Grammar in that we obtained second place with 178 points to St. Hildas on 210 points. Third and fourth places went to St. Aidans and State High respectively. We achieved five firsts, ten seconds, six thirds, six fourths, one seventh, and two eighth Places. The day finally ended in a mad rush for the Sixth Formers to repair nails, clear voices and visit hairdressers in preparation for the Formal that night. On behalf of everyone, lwould like to thank Miss Harvey for the time and support that she gave us throughout the season.

Years P"ll

15 Years Ba

Tracey Tolcher (Ballgames Captain).

I would like to grve my thanks to the best ballgames cap- tain I have had the pleasure to depend on. Tracey selected and trained the majority of the teams and the success of the day rests largely with her. She will be a hard act to follow.

P. Harvey.

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13 Years Ballgames

17 Years Ballgames.


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