1980 School Magazine

N ETBALL REPORT The Netball season started well this year with what seemed like hundreds of enthusiastic giris turned out for team selection. With teams picked and ready we return- ed after the May holidays to start what proved to be a disastrous season regarding ankles. Rarely a match went by without an ankle going, but Grammar showed their true grit and staying power with the B and C teams winning the premiership while both Grade B teams came second to State Hlgh as did the D team, and the A team came third after State High and St. Peter's. As well as the games on Saturdays, we had several games with various schools as practice which were much enjoyed - particularly when followed by after- noon tea. The time, effort and patience of our coach Miss Harvey deserves many thanks, as does the work of Janelle Wier, our Manager. Thanks also to the Grade B coaches, Jackie King and Caroline Somerville and their manager, Mary-Lou Anning. Good luck to all next year.


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'A'Grade Netball

'B'Grade Netball

'C'Grade Netball

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