1980 School Magazine
I NTERHOUSE SWIMMING CARNIVAL Wednesday the 20th of February saw a mass migration, by,way of City Council bus to the Valley pool for our in_ lerhg.use swimming carnival. This was the first major sporting event since re-jntroduction of the house,Vridm and proved most entertaining. The grandstanO was a ka.leidoscope of colours dueio the 6ongtomeration oi "Wonder Woolcocks",,,England Bulldiogs,,,,,Lillt 9rg9n Frogs" and rhe dazzting cotouii-oi Hi'rscrrierd, Griffith and Grbson. Once again there was a fine display of swimming which included some record breaking'p"lformances. Amanda .L:g..gl and,Sa,lly O'Carrot took"out join|y, the cup tor tne oest rndrvidual performances and Hirschfeld made a crean sweep in winning the cups for relays, individual events and the cup for winning overall. It,was encouraging to see the strength of house spirit which was generated on this occasidn *h"re bann'ers, cheer-squads, and warcries were the orJer of the day.'
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