1980 School Magazine
MUSIC CAMP 1980 Music Camp this year managed to maintain its usual balance between hard work and great fun, although ex_ tended rehearsal time at first threatened to thwa-rt our hopes of a well-earned rest after the hectic programme of Semester One. There was widespread jubilation when it was announced that the Concert Choir and Girls, Con_ cert Band were to practise in the Surf Livesavers' Club across the road f rom Alexandra park. And so, it was with many a moist cheek that we at length discovered the dreadful truth - the news of the imminent arrival of so many bronzed amazons had been too much for the lifesavers and all of them (every single last one, mind youl) had decided to spend the-weekend with mother. They had, however, left a legacy to the Concert Band in the form of a number of black swivel chairs which added a new dimension to the band's stage presentation. For evening entertainment we were presented with the usual array of activities. The taller (and more statuesque, of course) Sixth Formers valiantly attempted to retain'the elegance that befits their rank while being dragged around the dance floor by inexperienced and somewlat heavy pairs of left feet, belonging more often than not to very earnest and pint-sized Second Formers. Some of us attempted to learn to square dance, while others saved their energy for a pseudo-punk display later in the even- tng - red caps and bow ties appeared to be all the rage this year. For those of us courageous enough to brave yet another Music Camp Jilms' evening, we en-joyed/dured two plea- :3ll a.nd {orgettable pieces Millionaire" (no-one ever did work out what the crocodiles had to do with it, and perhaps it would have been better not to have tried) ariO ,,fne picture Show Vun", which, probably, no-one wjll ever forget as one of the songs f rom it possessed a rather lingering quality. Margaret Pestorius certainly deserved her prize in the String Competition - if her assiduous practising of "thirds" at Music Camp are any indication of her usual application Her hourly conceris were found to be so delightful to the ear thai her f riends locked her in a dress_ ing room to increase her enthusiasm. This activity prov- ed so popular that many repeat performances were stag_ ed, ole including a certain unsuspecting maie trumpeter. Despite dewy-eyed assurances to Mr. Warden that the Sixth Form would make sure that no-one got up to anything, the temptation on the last night of their last_ ever Music Camp was too great. Due to the effective work of certain nocturnal task forces, the boys awoke ilp ngrJ morning to find interesting messages such as "Don't be embarrassed about your pink floral pyjamas" tnscribed on toilet paper at the ends of their bebs, anO vaseline on their shower taps. ln spite of all evidence to the contrary, much hard prac_ tising was done over Music Camp and a very high overall standard was achieved. Thanks to all the mulic staff, and especially to the parents who catered for such an enjoyable and productive weekend. Kathryn Mainstone. 30
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