1980 School Magazine

Health & Physical Education: Chemistry, Physics and Biology:

Japanese: German: Geography: French: Latin: Advanced Mathematics: English: History: Art: Music: Advanced Mathematics: Level 11: SUBJECT PRIZES: English: French: Japanese: Geography: Ancient History: Music: Health & Physical Education: Mathematics l: German: Art: Economics: Speech and Drama:

Kim Scuce Lenore Taylor Lenore Taylor Lyndall Jones Lyndall Jones Lyndall Jones (aeq.) Lesley Cotterell Lesley Cotterell (aeq.) Lesley Cotterell (aeq.) Lesley Cotterell Lesley Cotterell (aeq.)

Melissa White

Alison Harris

Second Highest Average in Level 12: Alison Harris Lady Lilley Gold Medal is awarded to the Dux of the School - the girl in Level 12 with the highest percen- tage. This prize was first awarded in 1884 5y Sir bharles Lilley, Chairman of the Board of Trustees 1B7t-1887'. Diane Hawes. PRIZE GIVING - LEVELS 8 TO 11 SPECIAL PRIZES: Kendall Broadbent Memorial Prize, first given in 1941, by Mr. J.E. Broadbent, a member of the Board of Trustees for many years, in memory of his father, is awarded to a pupil of Level 1 1 for the best Essay on a Natural History Subject: Fiona Cross. The Mary Alexis Macmillan Prizes for Lyric and Poetry, in Levels 8,9, 10, are given in memory of Miss Macmillan, who was on the staff for 39 years, was Senior English Mistress, and was Second Mistress 1930-1965. Anita Chesmond (Levet B) Katharine Jeays (Levels 9 and 10) Barbara Hodgson (Highly Commended - Levet 10) The Topper Cup for Citizenship in Level 10: Lenore Taylor. Special Prize for Achievement: Robin Nikles. The Helen Gahan, Jillian Skaines Scholarship (Level 8): Susan Warren. Trustees' Scholarships for Level 11: Lesley Cotterell, Lenore Taylor, Susan Wilson, Heather Robinson, Kim Skuce. The Parents and Friends' Scholarship for Level 11: Megan Kennedy. The Parents and Friends' Scholarship for Level 12: Lucinda Snelling. ACADEMIC PRIZES: Level 8: General Merit Certilicates f or Academic achievement (in alphabetical order): Elizabeth Aitken, Susan Lennon, Karyn Lun, Catherine Martin, Jane Paterson, Sarah Pozzi, Karen Taylor, Claire Wrighton. Level 9: General Merit Certilicates f or Academic achievement (in alphabetical order): Alexandra Henderson, Elizabeth Jameson, Katharine Jeays, Winnif red Lee, Gillian Moses, Anne Orford, Susan Wilkinson, Helen Wordsworth.

Fiona Sinnamon Kathryn Mainstone (aeq.) Jennifer Crockart Kerryn Hayes Judith H ill Desley Ashton Anne-Louise Swindon Elizabeth Hergenhan (aeq.) Rebecca Riggs Rebecca Riggs Lucinda Snelling Lucinda Snelling Carolyn Rice (aeq.) Carolyn Rice Carolyn Rice Elizabeth Dutney (aeq.) Annabel Lahz Annabel Lahz

Modern History: Mathematics ll: Mathematics l:

Physics: Biology: French: Latin: Chemistry:

Elizabeth Dutney Elizabeth Dutney

A LOST GENERATION? At the end of Second Form we lost our Headmistress. We also lost all our friends when we got mixed up into different forms. We lost the Fourth Form Camp. We Iost the Fifth Form Camp. We lost Sex Education in E.E.A. We lost our identity - were we Sixth Form or Year 12? We have been losing pens, rubbers, badges, tuckshop money, hankies, notes, combs, folders, library books, bloomers, hockey sticks, noles to parents, train passes, marks and especially time for five whole years. BUT on 22nd November 1980 we shall have the chance to find ourselves.

Level 10: SUBJECT PRIZES: Science: Ordinary Mathematics: Speech and Drama: Art: History: 112

Sharon Mickan Lauren Gourlay Adrienne Cretier Dianne Wilson & Deborah Allman (aeq.) Susan Wilson (aeq.)


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