1979 School Magazine
The Fathersr:'Gr.oqpris,now just over 12 months old and has pledged ovef $7,,000 for 1979 towards furnishings and fittings for the new Complex. The Group has also provided an overpass to the top Floor of the Humanities Block which will be further extended during the Christmas vacation. Working bees have provided paths under sections of the covered ways and the group has in- stalled pbsts ,for the School Basketball Courts. Our thanks to Dr: Gordon and hi's team of willing workers.
The Old Girls' Association under the Presidency of M rs. Jean Vallis has continued to meet regularly and is to be thanked for the $6,500 it has raised through the School Day Art Show and various other functioni for a new Organ. These Groups represent the past, the pre- sent and the future and exemplify the magnificent spirit existing within the School. We are very grateful to them for their efforts.
Visitors: His Excellency the Governor, Sir James Ram. say, and Lady Ramsay visited the school late in second term. Sir James is Official Visitor to the School and as such had requested a tour. lt was a very informal and pleasant visit with Board members, Staff and selected girls mingling for morning tea in the old Assembly Hall with their Excellencies. Other visitors have included Mr. Hirayama, principal of a large school in Japan who was accompanied by a number of teachers and 15 girls. Billets were arranged for the girls amongst students of Japanese classes and we haye been invited for a return visit to Japan sometime in the near future. A number of Aboriginal girls from Thursday lsland spent a morning with us to see what City school life is like. Many of these girls will be in Brisbane next year to further their studies. Many guest speakers have spoken to girls on numerous topics - they have included the Archbishop of Brisbane, Dr. Felix Arnott, Professor Boyce f rom the University of Queensland School of Political Science, and Sister Margaret Toohey, Principal of Stuartholme Convent, to mention just a few. General: Mr. Max Howell, Headmaster of Brisbang Grammar School visited us in his capacity as a member of the Scott Review Panel and spoke to the staff about the Scott Review of Education in Queensland Secondary Schools. With such interest being expressed in educa- tion by all sections of the community it is important that our perspectives are right. lt is very difficult for many people to distinguish between schooling and education but I feel it is most important that they do for there is a vast difference between the two. Schooling is, I believe, the responsibility of schools while education is the responsibility of not only the school but the home and
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