1979 School Magazine

Activities: Girls have been involved in many extra- curricular activities throughout the ylir. trtew activitles inctude an Environme,ntatbroup i;VeJl B and a Groom_ ing and Deportment Ctass helcj bV Vi* Vicki Kehoe for boarders foilowed by one hetd foi V"ii r1 and year 12 9?y,,._girlr, Debating- has been ,.ui*O as an active pas'me tor manv girls under the able direction oi Vr. Attan Farasner. He"hai b;;;,;rlr6diu ,r. Atan Date and Mrs. Jennifer RIOOs lt is pleasing io note that we were awarded the B_ank of New Sou"th Wales O-O.U. Shield for Junior A Debating. Otn"i grbups that have been in the school for mani y""ri hive continued to grow in strength - tnteract, brit

Associations: The. parents & Friends, Association under the able presidency of frrf rs. g;iif Mortimer has continued to give toyatty anO suppoii to tf,e Sct^rool throughout the year. rnrougn it. etiJrtr'tuns have been provided for the oirls_in tfrd eoarOin!'lorr" and tapes for the use in the iibrary. As well as th-is another Scholar_ !!10 t9r,a girt goins rrom year rO tL'VJ", 11 has been provided. Two girls have now Oeen given recognition ior their academic excellence unJ t6ial"invotvement in gghgol life - Rosemary ereenfrarn in'year i0 and Katrina Heer in year 1 1. The covered ways were 9f9ct9d throughout the year as a result of the p. & F. contribution ot Sfi,O6O in t gT7 and to date $6,000 has been pteOgeJ tJr t5r9 towards the new Gymnasium Comptei. Wiifroutlfreii'tiretess efforfs in the Book Room, Ctoihing po;i ;il ir".r,rnop we woutej be without many of the taiilities *" noiu'"n"u".

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