1979 School Magazine

SOME NOTES ON BASKETBALL AT B.G.G.S. 1979 ln the second year of basketball at Girls' Grammar, the number of teams increased to four with over forty players being involved throughout the year. As there is still no G.P.S. competition for women's basketball ihe teams competed in the Junior Division of the Brisbane Amateur Basketball Association. Three competitions are held during the year, one in each term. ln first term Girls' Grammar entered teams in the Under 188 and Under 168 sections. The Under 18's won 5 games, lost 3 and finished fourth. The Under '16's won 6 lost 2 and finished equal second. ln second term there was a schools' competition organised by the Brisbane Association, as well as the usual inter-club competition. Girls' Grammar played in the school's competition and also entered teams in the Under 18 and under 168 divisions. The school's com- petition was of a very high standard with 12 schools entered - 8 State High schools, All Hallows, St. Thomas More College, Sans Sisto College and Girls' Grammar. ln their Group B.G.G.S. won one game, tied one and lost 5. ln the Under 18 competition, we entered a team compos- ed largely of sixth form girls who were new to the game. While there was quite an improvement in the standard of play over the seven games played we f inished on the bot- tom of the ladder. The Under 168's fared much better winning 5 games, losing 2 and finishing second in the competition. Four teams are playing currently in the third term com- petition with our number one team in the under 17A divi- sion having a won 2 and lost 3 record to date. We have two teams in the under 178 section and each team so far has won 3 games and lost one. The under 158 team are a mixture of Grade B and Grade 9 girls, new to the game this term, and they have yet to win a game - two games have been close. One interesting point about this third term competition is that our number 2 team is composed of boarders plus two day girls - a boarders' team may be a good idea for nexl year. On school day we played against a Boys' Grammar Team, going down by 2 points in a well played "fair dinkum" game. The association with the basketballers f rom B.G.S., both in the sport and socially has been very pleasing. During the year, we had a visit from two top American players, Calvin Bruton - possibly the best basketballer to have played in this country, and Dan Hickert. These players were in Blisbane playing for the Brisbane "Bullets" in the National League. They gave us a great demonstration of basketball skills which was well receiv- ed, even by the un-converted. During second term, seven Girls' Grammar players at tended an intensive coaching course conducted by visiting American coaches and players - the girls learn- ed some important fundamentals (not to mention a range of American accents). Two Grammar girls gained representative honours - Ruth Cameron and Robin Belcher played in the Brisbane Under 16 team in the State championships in Rockhamp- ton. Jenny Battersby was a reserve.

The school is lucky to have three coaches this year. M rs. Cameron and Mr. Rayner have continued f rom last year and have been joined by Mr. Barry Warden, who somehow finds time from his great work with the school concert band to coach during the week and attend the The Girls' Grammar Basketball club is grateful to members of the staff who have assisted, particularly Mr. Max Emery, and the girls' ambition for next year is to defeat the staff in those rugged encounters on the school courts. Thanks are also due to the Boarding House mistresses who have arranged for boarders in the various teams to get to their games. A special thanks goes to all the parents who have transported the girls to the games - with brothers and sisters to get to other sporting events Saturday must seem one long taxi effort for some families. The support given by parents to the teams and to the coaches is greatly appreciated. Angela Duncan games on Saturdavs. Acknowledgements


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