1979 School Magazine
GYMruAST$CS After having been postponed once, the lnterschool gym- nastics was held on the 20th October in our gymnasium. The final results of the competition were two firsts, a se- cond, third and a fourth. fu1aybe, nextlear, with the hope of a full time coach, we will be able to win all grades. The support and spirit of the competitors and spectators was encouraging. Good work ancj good luck for next year. Sonya Burton (Capiain) Resuf ts 'A' Grade - 1st tsGGS
'B' Grade - lst BSHS 2nd BGGS 'C'Grade - 1st BGGS 3rd BGGS 'D' Grade - 3rd BGGS sth BGGS 8th Grade - 4Ih BGGS
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