1979 School Magazine
CONCERT BAND REPORT The concert band has been playing now for two years which have passed very quickly, as we progressed from a group of forty instruments to a Concert Band of reasonably high standard. This year, the frequency bf concerts and other performances has been greater than last year. The concert band has held a variety of fund raising ac- tivities throughout the year. The first of these wls a rehearse-a-thon in March. (The rehearse-a-thon was pro- bably more for practice purposes than money, so we managed to kill two birds with one stone.) On the 6th July, we held an Old Time dance. One of the 60-40 groups from B.G.S. provided the music and everyone who went had a very enjoyable evening. 01.th9 22nd July, the concert band played in Mayne Hall with the 2nd Queensland Youth Orchestra. The object of that night was to raise money for the Stamford Memorial Fund. That was an important night for us all. The follow- ing week, on the 26th July, we played at the eueensland Presentation of the 1979 Lyrebird Awards at the Guineas Room, Ascot. That was an interesting night to say the least! I am sure that many wrong notes were played as a resuit of the girls not being able to take their eyes and minds off the exotic fashions walking by. (Even Mr. Warden's mind wandered, especially w6en he was given a hug and a kiss on the cheek by one of the organisers.) At school day, we played for the opening and for the two performances of the fashion parade. At the end of October, we payed our long overdue reciprocal visit to Townsville. We all enjoyed this most rewarding experience. The praise for this successful year goes entirely to Barry Warden, our conductor. Throughout the year , M i. Warden has not only put up with fifty talking giris at prac- tices, but has also spent hours compiling music ar- rangements and concerts. Thank you very much Mr. Warden and we wish you all the best of luck in the years to come. Fiona Scott
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