1979 School Magazine
COMBINED CONCERT BAND Another music group has made its appearance on the Grammar Music Department scene. An experiment on the Music Camp (over the end of semester break)which combined the B.G.G.S. Concert Band and the B.G.S. Stage Band proved successful, and led to the formation of the Grammar Band. lt is hoped that the high standard of wind playing in both schools can produce a really f irst- class Symphonic Band. We started off on the camf play- ing "Gonna Fly Now" from Rocky. A full representation of all instruments means that we will be able to attempt large scale and ambitious works. Lots of hard work next year could see the development of this group into a fine Band which the schools can be proud of. The oppor- tunities and players are certainly there.
GRAMMAR CONCERT EHO!R The beginning of the year saw the formation of a new combined choir - the Grammar Concert Choir - under the baton of Mr. Rod Wakefield. Our first public perfor- mance was a recital at B.G.S. early in first term. Since then, we have sung at Nambour with other Grammar music groups, performed at musical nights at both Grammar schools and visited a few Brisbane churches to sing in their evening services. Practices have been well attended all through the year and we have all had a great time. After getting to know each other better at the music camp, practices became more relaxed and even enjoyable! Our end of year party was great fun, but also a little sad as many members are sixth formers and thus are leaving both the school and choir this year. Unfortunately, we will miss out on tfie bigger things the choir hope to do next year such as entering Eisteddfods and choral competitions. For a choir which has only been in existence for nine months, we have succeeded in achieving a great deal in a relatively short time. Many thanks must go to Mr. Wakefield for his enthusiasm which has rubbed off onto us and for his encouragement. We also thank Miss Hebden for her support. Janice Staines, 12D. THE GRAMMAR SINGERS This year the Grammar Singers are ten years old, and as always, we have had a very enjoyable and interesting year. Our first concert was in April, when we presented an Easter version of our tra-ditional Christmas "Lessons and Carols" at St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church, lpswich. (An excursion to St. Stephen's has become an annual event.) ln May, we recorded a half-hour of hymns for the A.B.C., which was broadcast on Sunday 17th June and a small group of us were pleased to sing at the wedding of Jo Pearson, the well-known Channel O newsreader. Also in June, we presented an evening performance of sacred music in the B.G.G.S. auditorium in aid of the Stamford Memorial fund. At this performance, the Old Grammar Singers (O.G.S.) presented parts of "Jesu priceless Treasure". This group was newly formed this for the benefit of past singers who wanted to continue singing in a choir. At present, we are practising for a performance of Handel's "Messiah" and Elgar's "Songs of the Bavarian Hightands" in November, as well as several events in the Christmas season, including our annual service of "Nine Lessons and Carols" in St. John's Cathedral in early December. We would like to thank Mr. Montague, our enthusiastic conductor, and all the parents and f riends who have sup- ported and encouraged us throughout the year, and io remind anyone interested in singing in a combined choir, that you do not have to audition to join this choir. Allyou need is plenty of enthusiasm, and to enjoy singing. Nerida Harris, Felicity Gehrmann
CHOIR REPORT Under the able direction of Miss Barbara Hebden, the choir has again performed successfully this year. Con- sisting of approximately 30 girls, choir praciices were held twice a week throughout the year. All this hard work culminated in a number of performances including the lnduction of the prefects at the commencement ol the year and the Easter assembly on the 20th of April. The next show of these talented girls was the May Day con- cert on the 31st of May. Later in the year another concert was held in the form of the Girls' Prom with its iheme of "Bach to Beatles". Final performances included an in- vitation 1o sing in the City Hall in a Midday Musical in November, a programme of sacred music and secular music for the organ society and a short segment in the school's carols evening. All in all, the choir has had to work at a constanl pace and our thanks must go to Miss Hebden for the devoted hours she has put in, and we look forward to an even better year in 1980. Lyndal Taylor.
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