1979 School Magazine
SATTJRDAY ARVCI AT THE FOOTY July 28th 1979; what a significant day in the history o1 tho BGGS S.R.C. and what a humiliating day for the BGS S.F.C. For this was the day that we females triumphed and proved our superiorrty over the supposedly stronger SEX. The BGS last XV (and when I say last, I mean last) strag- gled onto the lield, led by Capiain Bruce "Norm" Proven' The "team" was made up of grapes, golden grubs and jumping beans (???). ln startling contrast, the BGGS Heavies bounded con- fidently onto the field, cheered on by the crowd and our own cheer squad. There immediately began a psyche-up of karate chops and blood curdling war-cries of "Get Chalkie" and "Kill Sullivan". lt was obvious that these terror tactics were working as the BGS team began to pale visibly, swallow violently and sweat profusely' Nevertheless, ref Bill Stephenson ordered play to begin and from the start, the girls showed the style that was to lead them to a magnificent victory. Their passes were superb, the kicks brilliantly placed and the tries were just incredible! Natural female talent won the day - but some credit must also go to our tireless, indefatigably patient coaches, Peter Rogers, Bill Nicklin, Stuart Rees and Nick Hart. The final verdict was never in doubt as the girls literally walked over the boys although the boys did make a valiant effort in the second half to win back some face and lessen the shame. It was this unsuccessful come-back which won David "Reg" Chalk the player of the match award as he proved to be the only real opposition the girls had all game. The final score was 1B-'16 and after reading this report, I im- agine that you expected a cr.ushing defeat of the boys 26-0. Well, it would have been, but for one extremely biased male ref. . . . need I say more.
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