1979 School Magazine

INTERACT REPORT The lnteract executive of 1979 began their term of off ice in December 1978 by holding a Christmas party for the Royal Brisbane Children's Hospital in conjunction with the Brisbane Boys' Grammar School lnteract Club. '1979 began with our aitendance at the lnteract Seminar in February. Our Club continued our Princess Alexandra Hospital project where the girls visit the hospital's geriatric ward every Friday afternoon after school. We also continued our park project which consists of a block of land between the Boys' and the Girls' Grammar Schools, which we cleared, planted grass and trees, and fenced off on three sides. ln March we received six trees f rom the City Council for our park. The Club also gave its support to the Save The Seals campaigr. lnlsps6t held an assembly where we ex- plained the bas,cr, of lnteract and Rotary; presented our two exchange i Jdents with lnteract badges and were presented witl- executive badges by S.R.C. to promote the two clubs' r'elations. We also said goodbye to our Japanese exchange student, Terumi Takahashi, welcomed a new exchange student, Hitomi lshakawa, and arranged her host families. We held a cake stall to raise money for Save The Trees campaign and helped S.R.C. in their Easter egg drive for Windsor Meals on Wheels. ln April, Mrs. Bonney from Red Cross was invited to talk to the Club. She spoke about the work of Red Cross and the appeal that was coming up. Our school director held a survey around the school to see the reactions of girls to lnteract - what they thought lnteract was, and what they thought lnteract should do. We began cor- respondence with a Sri Lanka lnteract Club. We held a Plant a Tree afternoon where, with the assistance of Mrs. Hancock (Principal), Mr. Faragher (Deputy-Head), Mr. Unwin (President of Rotary), Mr. Logan (Rotary member) and Hitomi (exchange student), we planted six trees in our park, as well as promoting school, Rotary and lnteract relations. Ten girls from the Club attended the opening of Keep Australia Beautiful/Plant a Tree Week, where we gave out litter bags and helped in the opening ceremony. The Princess Alexandra Hospital group visited the girls f rom our School who were hurt in the Grammar School bus accident for a few weeks in- stead of visiting the geriatric ward, and lnteract sent cards to the girls. We held an Easter party at a Uniting Church home for ten children. We arranged penf riends for some Japanese boys in May, and Mr. Gilbert f rom the Windsor Rotary Club attended a meeting to talk about exchange students. We helped the Red Cross in their appeal, and collected $375. ln con- junction with the Leukaemia Research Group in our School, we held an lnformal Day where $500 was raised. lnteract received $2S0 and donated $50 to Leukaemia Research and $100 to a programme in lndonesia to buy special shoes for leper victims. ln June members participated in the 40 Hour Famine. We added our support to the lnternational Year of the Child by signing a petition as we could not attend the march when the group who walked around Australia came through Brisbane. Three girls reached the finals of Study Girl lnternational Quest, and the P.A. Hospital. Group were asked to take part in a forum about 'The Role of Grandparents in the Year of the Child'. Our

American exchange student Lora-Lee Brown left in June, also. During July the End of the Financial Year Report was presented to th^ Windsor Rotary Club. Mr. Logan, our Rotarian, received a Medal of The British Empire Award in the Queen's Birthday Honours List. A game of Siamese Soccer was held for publicity between S.R.C. and lnteract. We presented Hitomi with an lnteract badge, and new membership forms were written for next year. In August we held an lnteract Barbeque, which was en- joyed by allwho attended. The afternoon was spent play- ing sport and the evening was spent discussing 'How social should lnteract be, and should there be more in- teraction between lnteract Clubs?' Over thb holidays members helped at the Spina-Bifida Holiday Workshop. We also helped Keep Australia Beautiful at the R.N.A. Show by handing out litter bags, and some members helped Windsor Meals on Wheels, both in the kitchen and as drivers' aides. ln September we collected at Lang Park for the Cancer Fund. Our School held its School Day two weeks ago. Here lnteract raffled a food hamper and raised almost $80; we also had a display and an article in the School's broadsheet to publicize the Club and explain what ln- leract is. That night we assisted S.R.C. with the barbecue and film evening. We have invited St. Joseph's to jojn our P.A. Hospital project, as there is a shortage of male visitors for the patients. On School Day Hitomi sold origami for S.C.F., and lnteract arranged to sell S.C.F. stickers for 60c - 35c for S.C.F. and 25c for the Club. We will donale the profits to S.C.F. also. During October we plan to hold a United Nations food stall on United Nations Day, featuring sweets from all over the world. Throughout the past year our Club has continued cor- respondence with exchange students and overseas clubs. We have supported other clubs' activities by advertising for them on request. Five girls from our School have received Rotary Exchange Scholarships, and our P.A. Hospital Group has been asked to speak on several occasions about the geriatric patients and our project. At the end of the year we plan to hold another Christmas party in conjunction with the Boys' Grammar School at the Royal Brisbane Hospital. I would like to thank Mr. Logan for his continuing support as a representative f rom Windsor Rotary Club, the 1979 Committee for their enthusiasm, and Mrs. Hancock, our Headmistress, for her continuing interest in the Club. Liz Hawes, 12E (President)


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