1979 School Magazine
1fA FORM DIARY 1 1A has enjoyed a prosperous year und€/ the loving guidance of Mrs. Constable. Apart from excelling in L,lalhs and geography, the girls ot this torm have reached stardom in other areas, such as boys' sport' music, schoor crubs and acrivities. we have been represented on schooi leams in soltball; Alison McAdam, Volleybail; Judy Hiil, Basketbail; Lis t/oles, Athletics; Aliffi Lord, Anne Leggett and Gymnastics. Carotrne Smilh and Margaret Nixon. We have only one outstanding musician (Margaret) and about lhe rest, lhe les; said the better. Many school clubs have members from 11A, such as rnteracr, sRc and rscF. However, most of our crass belong to exclusive clubs whjch meet every lunch hour to talk on varjous iopics. As a class, 11A has contributed to Liiley House in bail games, cross country and arhrerics, nor to mention noise. mess and house spirir. on the subjecr or house spirit, oui tnrnt",r"iio io Mrs constable, rirrs. Thiere, rvirs. Johnston, Anna Noran, Arison McAdam, Judy Hiil, L;uise Piilow and Sue Ure lor helping Liiley House on school day. Thank you. lvlany sad and happy events have befailen 11A this year, two ol which wilt always be remembered rhe bus accident earrier in the year affecred maoy ot our crass memoers, att oJ whom are now back into the fu| swing of schoor. we arso enjoyed a morning rea with Mrs. con- stable on the rrag pore rawn, ealing a heart shaped orange ci(e wrth the indription ,t tove yru;, made for Mrs. Constable by Alison McAdam. we. have enjoyed a great year, but presenily our probrem is this. Ar the srafr members have probably heard stories about 1 1A and their strange behaviour, so who will U" g"m" "nough to be our form leacher? 118's FORM DIARY January 31: We starled the year with a new form and English leacher, l\,4rs. Greenwood. February 21: And very soon came lhe interform swimmtng ciarnival, which was an exciling day even though our efforts didn't help us to win. The spiril was slill great. And the spirit went on in the inlerlorm sports day at Churchie in which our form's spirit was heard and seen. Septembe. 22: School day was made very successlul by lhe whole form and particularly by lhe co-ordinatinq by Janel and Angela. 11C FORM DIARY As a totally reshufiled lorm, we have adjusled and co-habited very well in H 2.3 Throughout lhe year lhree new girls entered our form. Under lvlrs. Stenders' able direction, we held a bake Selling Week' and made $20 in order that we should hold a picnic with some orphans. However as Brisbane has no orphanage as such, we are currenily discussing what to do with the money. 11E FORM DIARY Well, whal have we grade 1 1's done lor our schooj this year? Of course lhe lisl is never ending, so I will merely and modestly list just a few of our more trivial triumphs. - lhe ballgames - gym assignmenls - athlelics - geography lst prizes - cross country, wilh our very own counlry bumpkin, Janel Girling, coming in within lhe first 20 runners ! - our oulstanding ability to train Mrs. Thornquist. Among olher things, school day was one of our finest achievemenls, as we took charqe of a few tepulsively energetic lower Ievel classes. And our desks were painted - yes - a beautiful aqua. So, all you up and coming lellow 'feebs' - gel it together with the debonair demeanor ol the notorious 11E ol 1979. 1lG - 't979 1 1G began the year in the unique position ol being the first 'G' form in the history ol the Girls' Grammar and with this dislinclion, went on to prove themselves to be an outstanding form I Janet Blay is our form caplain (no kidding), despite the fact lhal she manages to create chaos in Physics and formperiod * much lo lhe annoyance ol our lorm and physics teacher, Mr. Garlon. 11G, as you are reading this, are still trying to decide how and what they should be raising money for. Our one big efforl as a form, has been school day, where the whole form buried themselves in lresl' produce. . . . . Despite thse unlavourable odds, it is tound tha{ 1 1 G excels in individual rather than form ef- forts. Julie Kemp, especially, managed to stun us all when she won lhe individual champion- ship at lhe athletics. We have other outslanding resulls in German Verse Speaking, members in lhe orchestra, concerl band and choirs, people in the combined play, brilliant and dedicaled athletes, a finaiisl in lhe music competilion, the only distinctions in lifth lorm in the maths com- petjtion, medals in lhe D ol E and on top of all this, we all excel in academic work. Need I Conlinue..... 6B,s FORM DtARy once again' the outstanding members of 68 have successfuty continued with the schorastic and sporting abirity which has won them accraim tniou!nouiln'ei, s"'r,oor ye"r. ns ro the exacl nature or these successes, r find it hard to actuaily d"rin"lnr ryrlo ""comprishments which we ha-ve become. noled for, yel I teet sure that de;pite fneir ociifioia-f insjgnificance, 68 has contributed. invaluably to school lile. (We have, haven't we?) August 7:
1 February: Back to the old grind in Art Room, E32.
Many lamiliar taces - good and not so good. 21 Febtuary: Class did well al swimming carnival wilh many cheering and coiourlul supporters. I hlarch: School pholographs! t3 March: Losl. One art sloreroom key. Panic. Ms. l',4acLennon oflers $1 reward. t4 March: Foundl (by teacher) WHODUNNIT? at E block stajrs near tennls court. 11 April: We visit the Planetarium . . . 5 May: 9E had a sweet stali - yum, yum. We raised $22.50. 23 May: Parent evening at school. Now they know everything. 24 May: Photos returned - "Do I really look like that monster?,' 11 July: Grade 9 cross-country. We lived through itl 18 July: Up the redsl Grifiilh came 3rd in Bailgames. 25 July: Takae Yokoi comes to stay (with A. Rooney) - a Japanese girt _ Heilo and B.O.L.A. Takae! 6 August: Fareweil party for lMs. McBride (nee Maclennon) TAugusl: Athletics Day - we came second bul we were the best cheerers I 4 Sepiember: Returned from August hotidays to . . wait for it . . . a yellow (and blue) art rooml Many fainted lrom shock. 22 September: School Day - not much business in chitd-minding; great parcel_minding though. 5 October: Science excursion to Coolum. 24 November; Fantastic Form party al Suzanne Blanch.s house. Thank-you 9E and Suzanne's iamily. End of Year: 9E . . . We love yal Thank volt I vn.lal Tevldr anri I nr risc I ivinostone ftorm seniors). lOC FORM DIARY During the year, 1 0C has inhabiled a series ol lorm rooms. Beginninq G 1 .1 , we moved to E 3.5 thenGl.l...E3.5...Gl.l...lhedancesludio,lhenthelaundry,undertheclothesline. back lo E 3.5, to G 1.1 for a lair while and finalty E 3.3. We had success in the Nlalhs competition, with Ann, Lenore, NicoJe, Sue, Buth and Diana R securing credils. We raised $125 toward the Beaudesert Ambulance Fund, when we raffled 'Alberl the bunny. Sporls' Day arrived, when we had a sweet stall, raising $35. We were also viclorious when our relay team, consisling of Grahia, Sue, Lenore and Diana F came first. On the 41h Augusl, Julie Cleghorn's parents held a parenl/student/form teacher luncheon at their home. Prior to this, Kay R lost her freedom and became a boarder. School day lound us in Hansel and G.etet costumes, serving sweets. lt also found Ljnda, Laura, Kelli and Meredith in dilferent coslumes - school unilorms of years gone by. The quarlet is lo be congratulated on their brilliant Archives display. If you went to 'Toad of Toad Hall', you were sure to have noticed two outstanding weasles, l\4eredith ard Nicloe and also the turkey. Aboul this time; we gained rwo new form teachers - Mr. Dare and Mrs. Hancock. More suc- :::: :.:: ^""1:ll ,fe, Lilerary compelilion whel Barbara won 1 sr prize anO nnOrea oay an nonoutaole ment,on, for lheir shorl slories_ ln the G.P.S. Alhlelics, Grania broke the 'B grade 100 metres record. Joanne wenl to the LJSA in the holidays, bringing us back pins, photos elc. Throughout the year, our class has been in_ volved in many sporting activities including soflball, basketball, water polo, rhythmic and olymplc gym. We must thank Vicki lor her supply of sweets during the year which kept us from the verge of starvation. "There's nothing in the world tike Easts' Ruqby Leaoue And Harry says will you be mine There's nothing in the world like being a boarder And you come from proserpine. There's nothing in the world like money and egqs And Rod Slewart's coming to town There's nothing in the world like Melanie To make you feel good." 21 February: lnterform swimming - most enthusiastic r have ever seen lhe form with D block coming second overall and 10D gaining a lew wjns and minor placings. We had the pleasure of having four Japanese students who taughl us a lot aboul Japanese culture. 22 September: 1 0D provided entertainment with fortuneleiling, palm reading, crystal ball, gypsies and ail. lOF DIARY We, 10F, hurled ourselves inlo our junior year with a great surge of enthusiasm and excite_ ment. There was never a duil moment as we sprang inio all tac6ts ol school lile _ d;b;il;a swimming, orchestra, athletics, and even school w6rk I Lile was not one big jore - we were swamped with exams, assignmenls. exams and or course assignments. School Day was a welcome relief lrom ri,e itriin"s "no jr"raur". The big,attraction was ou.r very own Merinda Barber, who paraded around as rhe .'roving peanut", advertising our cheese, honey and nuts stall. n!1.::l,njilr.,9l'9": go to.the ftying fish of lhe class - Louise paerzhotdt who gained rhe rrlgnest individuar ooinrs al our carnlvar.earrier this year, and ro alr those who "omp'"r"Jin "rr facels ol school liie, boln inlerform and interschooi. !t .ur. tnut nexr year rhe members of 1 oF, rhough divided into many crasses wir enjoy ir as much as this year. 1OD FORM DIARY 16 February: Mel cetebrated her birlhday with a singing telegram lrom Wayne Roberls. 22 May: Our class came back fighting lit and ready to put their noses to the orind. slone lor our next four weeks ot hard labour 25 July - 1 August:
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