1979 School Magazine
9C FORM DIARY We started the yeal surprlsingly cheerful, as we were no longer li'ttle second formers. l'l was slrange lo see the younger glrls taking our place. The first day also saw us learning new peo- ple's names and unusual hablts. Our flrsl major elforl of lhe year was our sweet stall. We raised $25 Early N4arch was a time of disappolntmenl. A major cataslrophe struck our happy litlle com- munity. N,1any glrls' lives were disrupted by lhe erectiqn of blinds obstructing our vlew ol the boys''schooi!! We were laler comPensaied however by the construction of nolice boards, which were soon to be covered wlth economlc newsclippings, put lhere by a leacher who will remaln anonymous, Our venlure to the Valley pool for the swimming carnival, induced great spirit lnto many girls Unlorlunately thls did nol helP us wllh our swimmlng. onlhe.llthApril,wewentwiththeolhergradeninestotheplanelariumforanotherexciting eotsode tn asrionomy. we were actually quite pleased wllh ourselves, as lhis time only three ol ui lell asleep - an improvement on lasl year's six ' The 20lh April was the eventful day (and night) of the form.party.and wake-a{hon We all manrcedtosoueezeintoabusandheadtoth;hllls(PinjarraHills) Hadafantastictime'althe sir;.ltir. r.al"u tn"nii tu.r go lo Judy Simpson's parenls {or lheir co-operalior' kindness and abilitv to tuin a deal ear to the lalrly loud music. We raised $75' gattgames Day (baskelball, volleyball, etc.) fell on the 18th July Although our class did not do parlicu'aIly well, we all enjoyed ourselves on 2nd Augusl we had yet anolher science excurslon to a coal mlne in lpswlch. we cannol find words lo describe this educational trip. OnTthAugusl,onAthleticsDayalChurchle,weloundtooursurprisethattherearemanybud- ding athleles amongsl us. Sthoctober_ANoTHEBSoIENoEEXcUBSIoN-HELP!Th|stimeweweredraggedalong ii iu.i n-**risnl li doJiu*. witn u tutt oay's work ahead ot. us, we energeticaly proceeded lo "na*"r t"ny {r"ttions provided ln order lo keep our minds on the work' Our work lor School Day started ln July, We were glven lhe lask ol decoraling lhe Old Assembly Hall for lhe Sweet and Cake stall. We had msny working bees belore the big day lor the maklng ol decorallons. Desplle all the hard work, we enJoyed ourselves, and were pleased wlth the result, ThlshasbeenaveryenjoyableyearandWearelookingloMardtonextyearwhenwewillbein grade len. P,S, GUESS WHAT? We've got anolher sclence excursion coming up on the 31st October' We are keeping our ir'ngd"""iiti"J th"t we wlll nol be atlacked bt leeches, snakes, ticks, spiders' angry science teachers, etc. 9D FORM DIARY Welt, what a thrill to relurn to the daily grind - a brighl new year! The enlhusiasm {or thls new year lasled approximalely one day - lhen il was back to hals off, socks down and lies rather askew. (Ed's nole: As lorm senior ol this class, I would just like to say, that the previous slatement was onjy a ligure ol speech,) One advanlage we had with our form room lhis year, was lhat il was beside the tuckshop. (Somewhere to reldx afler lhose exhausling speech and drama lessons.) But il had its drawbacks on those lirst few days - mossiesl However, two days ol roll-on Rid had them soon conquered. February 21 st: At the Valley Pool - oh, the team spiril I (The inlerlorm swimming.) We were well represented in the pool with Vanessa C, Kathy C, Nea T, l\4arg F and Anne D, all hitting ihe drlnk successfully. March srd: ln the Poolathon, held in lhe school pool, 9D raised the largest amounl of money * over $60. All who parlicipaled in lhis escapade (lrom 9D) received . . . wail for il . . . a CHOKITO ROLL!! Our deepesl thanks to the prefects.
8C FORM DIARY oUrcIassenjoyedtryingtoraiselhe$60lorS'c'F.byhavingaSmorgasboard.UnforlUnalely, desoite all ouiefloris, we raised only a mrghly 53.52! ln the school sporls and alhletlcs we lrie6 but achieved lillle, as was the case in lnlerschool swimming. We all find "Lile. tse in lt ioi, ;l;;;; ,*rry robi forward ro tt. we have now decided to hotd a stave auction 10 raise in" *i "iir," *""dy. ln schoot sport, a lot ot 8c girts are involved in watetrpoto, hockey and OasfeiU"fi, ii weff ad the usual asiortment ol rhythmtc gymnasts and lennis players etc. ln the for. "tiJ "ounir' *e did not exactly come llrst all lhe way but we were nol last ellher. A lot ol ;;;1".-'-;* ;;i;^tJeiing and ln our age group we do verv well' we also dld well in the maths iirp"lii"" *irf, qJiie a te-w peopte gert-ing dtstinctions and very hlgh marks. On school day we *or["J u"iy hird'on the sweet staii andhade a targe amount ol money. All in all, we have enjoyed grade I immenselY. 8E FORM DIARY Our impresslons of ourselves are : witly' intelllgent, handsome and wide awake in ev€ry lesson (y"*n)iguuryon".ight not agree withihis but we all agree that we have a greal lorm leacher'
Miss J. O'Sullivan. An average day: Arl: Brush, slroke, llick, a maslerpiece Englisn: "bon't ever say "got lo'i Now whal we've got to do ls " German: Huhtl zwei, drel, vier' Huhtl zwel, drel, vier. Frencfr: Our' Fr"n6n "1u.. . in and speak in Ge[man, they would just sit there,and say nothing' Geography: Jusl the time lo see sisler aboul a headache I Heallh:zzzzz...zzzz,, Jaoanese: YaD. Yap, Yap, How do you make a paper quack? Music: Beethoven and the Knack should gel logelher sometlme' Science: Bight glrls! Detenlions! soeech and Drama: Romeo, Romeo ' Where lor arl lhou, Romeo?
is so dumb that il Mrs spykeboer were to walk
DUringlheyear,ourclassraisedlhelrmoneybyacarwash,cakestallforlhestalfandasweet Jruli. iirjiun'crrrlngs, a member of our class, broke the Gps hurdting record. we also had a smo-ott party lor Jili Jbhnson, an American who was with us lor lirst semester' 8F FORM DIARY Alter coming lo school on the lasl day of January, we chose our lorm reps. and plotted an easter rallle, to be drawn on April 12th. February
Alter displaying our easter egg on assembly, sales rockeled Three members of our class won lheir lirsl debate and another thiee were ln the lilesavlng team, Al last we drew our famous easter egg raffle! Congratulations lo Pam Rogers of 88 for winning thls lovely egg. Up unlil now, the members of the class who took French wepl, until today, when the rest ol us lamenled. Beason? A party was held for Bastille Day, complete wilh lrull punch, qulche and chocolate eclairs. Friday l3th Our geography sludents went on a field lrlp to Dayboro and ended off their visit with rides (3 at a time) on a trailblke. On the 7th at Churchie, we won a lew ribbons Afler lhis, came our holidays
with the besl accomplishment bejng made by K.C. who landed herself wilh a broken arm. September Our chiet activjly this month was selling pl?nts, trees and herbs on our Hlrschfield slall on school day, Congratulations to all lhose who made thls day a success. We ended ofl this month by giving a bollle ol champagne (preceded by gin/water) to our lavourile teacher' Thls resulted llom her pet quote - "How many botiles ol gin are we up lo now girls?" Our chiel and indeed our only achievemenl this month was to have Susan (whlzz kid) Lennon come 3rd and Sandra Fryer come Highly Commended in the German Verse Speaklng Compelilion. And so 8F, betier known as the Unique Originals, bid you Vale, Au Revoir and Aufwiedersehen. Thank you Mr. Nick and Fiona. 9A's YEAR This year 9A was composed of last year's 24, with a lew 2B'ers and zF'ers tossed in lor good luck. ln the first weeks of school we received a new lorm teacher, N,4rs. Burgoyne (much to Miss Hebden's relief!) We soon raised money needed to supporl an overseas boy' by means of slalls and a cake drive. But lhe real highllght of lhe year was our absolutely fanlasllc camp, held at Bornhoflen, in the Numinbah Valley. We all enjoyed the aclivities, such as orienleering, archery, swjmming, singing around the campfire and (1o a lesser exlent), the nighl spent camp- ing on ihe mounlain wilh rain.and leeches I We would really Iike lo lhank lhe teachers (and the cooksl; who made it so much fun- Our thoughls of the camp are especially lreasured because ol memories of Mr. Stamlord in his elemenl. onlhe26lhJuiy,9AwenlwithN,lrs.StendersloaFrenchBestauranl,LaGrange Theoccasion was very enjoyable, especially since snails and frogs' legs were nol on lhe menu! Our ice- cream siall was successful on School Day, lhanks to the many people who assisled us lnler- {orm and interschool sporling events were also very successful. Thank you, Mrs. Burgoyne, for being so patient, and next year we promise lo sel our watches f orward by live mlnutes I October
April 281h:
We punked al Andrea Grant's house lrom 10.00 till 6.30, for our Dance-a- thon, held to ald tbe S.C.F. Mrs. Thomas (form-mistress) walked ln alter lunch with Megan, I/ichael, Megan's book and Mlchael's puppel. Michael Thomas refused to dance and inconspicuously climbed lhe umbrella tree wilh his puppel. Meanwhile, back on the dance floor, sister Megan was showing great polenlial wilh Cathy Yule. As a'surprise'disc-jockey, Andrea's brolher, Geofl played lhe tapes and records for us. (With some, he was a hit . . .) We made aboul $128.
July 3rd:
The interlorm ballgames - il you saw a washed oul purple lhrong of young ladies, thal was lhe greal, enthusiastic us. September 7lh: All grade I wenl to see the mime company perform and all of us had a great time wilh Bobby and Mike . . We also learnt a great deal about mime. Seplember 22nd: School Day - This could be called the climax of lhe year, but il's nol. Our scary haunted house slarled olf wllh a bang (and a moan) and eventually raised over $50 - remarkable! lvlany thanks to lgor and the Vampress lor their eliorls and also lo the N4ums and Dad6 who gave up their time 10 help us, Aller all this noise and rlol, i1 was hard lo return 10 the ball and chain.
9B's FORM EIARY lnlerform Swimming Carnival al Valley Pool - 21sl February - 17 participanls
98 sweel slall - Tuesday 131h March - $20 for S.C,F. Painting ol lorm room, W24 - commenced I91h March Dinmore Colliery - 2nd Augusl Coolum - 5th Oclober Cunningham s Gap - 31 st October
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