1978 School Magazine
and critically observe trends in growth and demand. A Tuckshop Supervisor has been employ6d this year and this proved a most successful step forward. Although there continues to be a shortage of voluntary help on tuckshop teams, a very happy atmosphere prevails and the Association is most grateful for the generosity of spirit contributed by mothers in this area of busy activity. The Clothing Pool, in its new location, has been enlarg- ed,and the efficiency of this department, too, is most en- couraging, providing a valuable service to parents and students. A sub:committee has been formed to supervise and streamline the growing demands of new and second hand book sales, an operation of very extensive propor- tions involving intricate preparation. Second hand book sales will be transacted at the end of the year, separating these activities from the new book sales at the beginning of next year; whereby many of the snares encountered in the past will be eliminated and so ensure better purchasing facilities for parents and students. Support in the past has been most appreciated and we appeal to parents to give continued patronage, as we are dependent on heavy sales to ensure worthwhile results in this large undertaking. The Social Convenor steered a very successful social programme during the year. The June Luncheon was a popular occasion and financially rewarding, followed, in September, by a small but select style of entertainment at the La Boite, enthusiastically received. The final highlight is the Theatre Luncheon at the S.G.l.O. and The Crest. Tuckshop teams use this as an end-of-the-year celebration, and it promises to be popular. We would express our sincere appreciation to the Prin- cipal, Mrs. Hancock, for her tireless support during the year. Her sympathetic encouragement and understand- ing has drawn admirable response from parents. All members of the staff - Administration, Teaching, Groundsmen and Boarding House - are thanked for their assistance given from time to time throughout the year. We are grateful, too, for the support given by the Board of Trustees. We look forward to strengthening our role in the school's programme during the coming year as parents continue to demonstrate their loyalty to the AsQociation. BERYL MORTIMER President. aW AAA.tnlrl4 : " ilriIL tlu tcarAuu phnAlf&$.qtti,tlq ?" rF Jk 'l( 'A,Ih ,aAsln qo all t/*$ump! *- rF 'r "/NA donL a&,'rnl-,! dorifr tMotinnd it sfiln,t enly tu,eh it,." **rK "g'uc goL a halL.in, fiL &dt cl,fig had|
B.G"G.S" Girls Awarded Rotary Exchange Studentships for 1979
Back Row (left to right) Ronelle Ellis, Linda Morris, Fiona Crawford, (Mr. Logan), Donna Richards, Anna Fearnley, Janette Mitchell. Front Row; (ferumi Takahashi), Julia Thiele, (Di Charlton, Lora Lee Brown), Sally Jenkins.
OBITUARY Clare May Whittaker died early this year after a long illness. Miss Whittaker started work at the Brisbane Girls' Grammar School as Matron on 3rd June, 1957. ln January 1963 she was appointed Housekeeper and remained in this position until her retirement on 4th May, 1973.
Mr. Fred Pace, a Member of the Board and Hon. Treasurer from '1948 until his resignation in 1964, passed away during the year.
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