1978 School Magazine

ENGAGEMENTS: McGill, Pennie (69) to David Schultz, 1978. Pollard, Kathryn (69) to Des Nelson, Dec. 1977. OAREERS: Collyer, Veryan (nee White) Medical Pract,, Spec. Anaesthetist, Tara. Dawson, Beth, Nurse Educator, Post Basic Paediatric Nursing Course, Foyal Children's Hospital, Brisbane. Devenish-Meares, Barbara, B. of Human Movement Studies Hon., Uni. of Qld., Lecturer in Health & Physical Ed. at North Bris. C.A.E. Godfrey, Joan (M. Ed. Ad., Uni of Qld.), Head of Dept. of Nursing Studies, School of Health Science Qld. lnstit. of Tech. Hartley, Judity (nee Peel), Dip. PrimaryTeach, Grad. Dip. Spec. Ed., Mt. Gravatt C.A.E. Teacher of the deaf at the Multiply handicapped Qld. School for the Deaf. Final year B.Ed., Kelvin Grove, C.A.E. Hill, Alicia (nee Lambert) Retired as Nursing Superinten- dent at Barcaldine Hospital, Oct. .1977 having held the position since Jan. 1975. Hyland, Linda (nee Todd), Teacher Goondiwindi: Pollard, Kathryn (69), Teacher Gympie Central. Purcell, Beverley (nee Turner), Optometrist. Schwarten, Jasley (69), B.A. Dip. Ed. Qld. Uni. Secon- dary Teacher, Sarina S.H.S. Thomas, Anne (nee Maclachlan) General and Mid. Nurse., Principal and co-founder of the Qld. Nursing Agency and business partner (and co-founder with hus- band)of Lloyd Thomas and Co., Manufacturing Chemists and Burpengary Fruit Wines and Supplies. Todd, Helen, Principal, Koorboora Environmental Ed. Centre, Cement Hills via Warwick. Van Gilst, Nancy (45) (nee Mitchel) Teacher/Librarian, Corinda Primary School. Vickery, Enid Sally (Aland), Medical Practitioner. White, Barbara (69), B. Sc. Dip. Ed. Qld. Uni., Secondary Teacher, Charleville S.H.S. White, Eiizabeth (Beth) (69) B. Sc. Dip. Ed. Qld. Uni. Secondary Teacher, Gladstone S.H.S. STUDENTS: Alexander, Barbara (nee Harris), Ed. Studies (External) Uni. O. Culpan, Margaret (69) 5th year Med. Uni. Q. Grantham, Jennifer (nee Winten)Arts (External) Uni. Q. Greaves, Amanda (68) sth year Med. Uni. Q. Hayes, Janette (69) sth year Med. Uni. Q. Hendy, Lynn (nee Robinson) Final year Med. Uni. Q. London, Sue (69) Med. Uni Q. Mallyon, Lisa, student nurse,3rd year Royal Bris. Hospital. Maloney, Linda (69) Sth year Med. Uni. Q. Peel, Helen, final year Dip. of Art, College of Art, Seven Hills. Shannon, Kathryn, student nurse, 3rd year St. Andrew's Hospital. Van de Hofef, Pamela (69) sth year Med. Uni. Q.

Vockler, Beth (69) Med. Uni. Q. Wilson, Shelley, Music, Uni. of Q.

We would like to wish all girls leaving the school success in their chosen careers and to invite them to join the Old Girls'Association, which enables them to keep in touch with the School and its activities. We offer our sincere thanks to Mrs. Hancock and all members of staff for their help and support during the year and we wish all a very Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. Jean Vallis, President Old Gi rls' Association.

Report from B.G.G.S. Parents & Friends Association

1978 has been a very busy year for the Association which includes some changes and some new areas of activity. Katrina Heer became the first holder of the P.& F. scholarship, an annual award given to a student entering Grade 1 1 , based on citizenship. Congratulations Katrina. A programme of "Form Functions" was initiated to en- courage interaction beween parents, providing a basis for establishing new friendships and also a closer ident- ity with the school. These proved most successful, and hostesses are commended upon the generous hospitali- ty so willingly given. During the third term a fully revised Constitution was adopted which allows for more efficient oversight of our activities. lt is envisaged that as a result a Mothers' Aux- iliary will be established to fill a very important role. The newly formed "Fathers' Group" displayed very wor- thwhile activity, particularly on the social scene; and the financial results demonstrate that they are on a winning streak. This newly formed group this year has added a new dimension to parent involvement. A Course for assisting parents was introduced under the guidance of the School Counsellor, Mrs. Lynch, entitled "systematlc Training in Effective Parenting." Groups of about ten parents have been given the opportunity to listen and learn about the privileges and pitfalls of being the parent of a student teenager. We express our gratitude to Mrs. Lynch for making her time available so generously. Throughout the year the Executive, assisted by its many supporters, has sought to look carefully into the various aspects of the Association, with a view to stream-lining its operations and to ensure its aims are being eff-ective- ly implemented. With an annual turnover of over $100,000-it is necessary to continually review, update 93

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