1978 School Magazine

Extracts Frorn

lf this gets in, it will be the first time I have ever had anything published in a school magazine. The Editors now have the choice of putting a red line through all ihis and throwing it in the bin, or accepting the $2 note pinn- ed to the top and letting the article through. . . It's been a gruelling year. Every morning starts with a swim in the pool, then a game of volleyball or soccer while we wait for lectures to start. One of the beauties of being a post-graduate student is that lecturers think that because everyone in the course has already graduated after 3-4 years of Uni. study, everyone can be trusted to get down to work whether lecturers are present or not. One o{ the realities of being a post-graduate student is that we're not much different from any other student. Just about everyone is well aware of the past fact that I spent some of the year playing in the snow or skin diving at Heron lsland or sailing at Cootharaba or . . .

MLss Paterson s Posbcards :-

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so I won'l go over all that: Some of the year was speni studying Sociology - that's a subject where a lot of people spend a lot of time trying to find out what young people like do- ing most. I thought that was one thing we already knew. ln psychology we discussed a lot of important problems faced by Outdoor Educationalists - how do you talk down a student who is "frozen" half way up a cliff face or, more importantly, how do you talk yourself down when you f ind you have succeeded with your student but now you're "frozen" up there! A lot of time during the course was spent in discussing survival techniques. We all had to do our lifesaving and firslaid certificates again as well as practising various techniques of kayak rescue and mountain rescue techni- ques. l'm not sure whether this is so we can be usefulto society or whether our lecturers did not have much faith in our ability as Outdoor Educators. Finally, a word on assignments. At present I have four to finish, and I haven't even started two yet. lthink l,m beginning to find out what it's like to be a student again. I have been told that it's all a matter of organizing your time, so I'd better stop here and get into ' my assignments. Besides, if I write anymore, ine eOitor wiil want another $2. . . John Stamford (Mr. Stamford was granted a year's leave of absence to study for a Diploma of Outdoor Education at K.G.C.A.E.)

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