1978 School Magazine
PREFEETS' REPORT -1978 On the 23rd of January Jane Baxter, Anna Blocksidge, Sue Gordon, Janette Knudsen, Gale Tyson, Sandie Wilson and I met for our f irst 1978 Prefects' Meeting. Here we planned the following day during which, with the help of the class seniors, we hopefully helped our new 2nd form friends to settle in contentedly without having to settle against the huge mass of enthusiastic students who would be bustling and rushing to lessons the next day. Our induction day was Friday 3rd of February, where in the B.G.S. Centenary Hall we pledged ourselves to our school by saying: "l . . . . , promise that as a prefect of Brisbane Girls' Grammar School in 1978 I will, to the best of my ability, conscientiously honour the school, uphold its spirit, traditions and high standards, be faithf ul in the execution of my duties and encourage others similarly to take pride in our school and participate to the f ull for the good of the school. " Their reply was: We, fellow students of yours at the Brisbane Girls' Grammar School, promise to co-operate with you in maintaining the high ideals towhich you have pledged yourselves for the good of all. The Class Seniors were also formally introduced that morning. At the Y.M.C.A. Leadership Camp held on the 23rd and 241h, we were able to learn of leadership systems in othbr schools and to compare in light of their problems and success. One thing we had decided f rom the beginning was that at no time did we want to be considered merely as a bully police force so, besides some rather drastic attempts to keep persistent down-socks up, and off-hats on; we sel to other tasks. On March 23rd, after some patient organization on the part of Sue Chalk, began the face lift of the science block toilets, which to say the very least, are now quite inviting and exciting. Sue Gordon and Gale organized an anti-litter assembly for the 19th April to relay the important anti-litter message to the rest of the school. On the 24th April was Step 1. in improving communica- tions with a 6th form BBQ and discussion night. Topics included the Formal, the Common Room, already a con- troversial subject, and general running of the school. Also reviews on what to do on 'Life- Be ln lt' day were exchanged. When this day arrived we brought the school to life in leading all, staff included, on a cross country. Second term arrived with everyone looking super neat in winter uniform - stockings definitely an asset to general appearance. During the holidays, I had attemp- ied to make the common room (with the help of Sandie and Pip) a cleaner, brighter (to the dislike of some), and more inviting environment - so the fridge looks like a robot - at least the fungus has gone! On the 29th of June we enjoyed a lovely evening with Mrs. Hancock and her parents in a very relaxed atmosphere over some delicious food per kind favour of Mike. Here we more or less talked about how things were going with us and the school. After a difficult time, we finally had the 4th form BBQ organzied for the 13th of July where through games of tact A. Blocksidge, S. Wllson, S. Chalk C. Somerville, S. Gordon (Head Girl), Mrs.Hancock,G. Tyson (Head Girl), Back Row: Front Bow: tt. Absent: '*,ij'j,L, came to know all of these girls a little better. The suc- cess can be measured by their enthusiasm for another BBQ with the fifth form girls, On the 28th of July, Sue and Gale went to a Head of Schools meeting where it was decided that a G.P.S. leadership conference should be held later in the year for interested 5th formers. The 4th of August meant a chance to meet the Governor Sir James & Lady Ramsay, over a friendly morning tea with the class seniors and staff . From then on in conjunction with other active 6th formers, we had meeting after meeting until Friday the 22nd September to organize our final School Day which as figures show was a booming economic success as well as being a most interesting and enjoyable day. ThoUgh at times, diff icult situations did and do arise, I am sure we all feel grateful for the encouraging support given by the girls in the school to us in our efforts to re- main {aithful to our Pledge. CarolYn Somervi I le, 68. FORM SENIORS' REPORT After deciding at the 5th form camp in 1977 lo try to pro- mote communication throughout the school, twenty-iwo form seniors were appointe"d to serve classes from 2nd form to Sth form. The duties of the form seniors have been to help the forms in arranging form activities' to act as an intermediary to higher auiho-rity, to be a friend and confidant if necessary and to be a link for the younger forms with the 6th {orm. Promotion of communication between 5th and 6th form was the main reason for the in- troduction this year of 5th form form seniors.
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