1978 School Magazine


€€ffi LIED DEs scHLEMMERs (s.n "t tt* qtam'-) .-) J L,

es'wL; Spb' e : si'e isL mefiv e WeLt. Ftarkh 6rA- Ftsh-e

7.0t trAv ,*A*-e


-en. Li&' kh,ruhr ir* Eeld.!



2. Kuchen, Eis, und Schokolade, Suppe, Salat, Milch, und Brot.

4. O, ich mb'chte ewig essen, Speise- sie ist meine Welt. lch bin ndmlich noch sehr fett:-

3. Friihstlick zweimal esse ich, Mittagsessen und Kaffee , lmmer mehr bis Mitternacht - Dann, die Tasse Tee.

Kraut, und E-rbsen, und Kartoffeln, Wurst und Apfel rot.

Speise ist doch nettl (N="-r ---R-


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which was popu'lar witn adults also. Often sharply satirical, ne wrote other illustrated works for adults, and was, at one stage, taken to court for "arousing public displeasure" anO "offending religious sentiments". Essentially a pessimist, it is hard to f ind any resemblance between Busch and the mischievous, fun- loving characters he created. Although not a painter, his talent as a writer cannot be disputed, for Max and Moritz still reign high today, over a century later. Anne Graff, 48.

Do you recognize these two famous characters? Maybe not, but for many years Max and Moritz, as they are call- ed, have Oelight6d German children with their many series of pranks.. First published in 1845 by Wilhem Busch (1832-1908)' these two figures from illustrated verse enter into a variety of caflers, but always meet with a somewhat bit- ter end. Busch, who unsuccessfully aspired to be a painter, had his first success with his illustrated children's book,


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