1978 School Magazine

Our thanks must surely go to all the teachers and parents who attended the camp, but especially to Mrs. Kitchen, who organized our meals. We all played at the concert on July 12, lo show our parents that despite the weird and wonderf ul stories they had heard, we actually did find time to practise together.

RED EROSS APPEAL 1978 Towards the end of first term, a representative of Red Cross, Miss Julie Aginoff, spoke at assembly of the role of Red Cross, and of the collection scheduled for about a month later. About 35 girls formed a group to help on the collection day, and met with Miss Aginoff about a week later to watch a film on the work of Red Cross Youth Groups around the world, and to receive collection kits. At one p.m., on Sunday, 28th May, we gathered at school, where we were met by Red Cross organizers and the "4BC Fun Bus'1. We climbed aboard and began an interesting journey to the lwo aredb in which we would collect. (After passing the same church four times the driver decided to use the street directory!). We finally reached the Graceville contact point, where half of the group started collecting. The rest of us continued on the Hamilton-Ascot area. We relurned to the school about five o'clock, with a total of about $309. The money raised during the appeal will help Red Cross to continue giving help where it is needed, all over the world, Julia Thiele THE COMBINED MUSIC CAMP On the morning of Friday, 30th June, the Boys'Grammar quadrangle was a scene of utter chaos-a typical begin- ning to the annual semester-break ordeal (?)-otherwise known as the combined music camp. This year, due to mass expansion in both music departments, a record 173 parents, music teachers and students (only 36 girls) attended the camp, held at Alexandra Park. After lunch, we spent the afternoon getting settled and roaming along the beach. There was the usual barn dance after dinner; a great time was had by all. Saturday came and the hard work began, with 2 one-hour rehear- sals in both the morning and afternoon. Again at night we had a dance, complete with Charlston lessons by moonlight for some. Sunday was another busy day, with a visit from Mrs. Hancock and Miss Hebden. During our free time, a few brave souls ventured in for a rather short-lived swim, while others played a conglomerate game of softball-cum-vigoro, (with Mr. Warden as cham- pion batsman), or collected jellyfish; the cause of hilarity later that night. On Sunday afternoon, a combined string orchestra and an enormous concert band were formed, and many of us learned just how difficutt playing together can be. That night, we had a barbecue dinner, followed by what we had all been waiting for: the films,, which were "The Barefoot Executive" and Woody Allen's "Play lt Again, Sam:'. Pouring rain, compounded by a very leaky roof provided a little discomfort for some, but others slept soundly through it all. After supper, we were treated to the BGS version of punk-rock. On Mon- day, after a sleepless night, we dragged ourselves down to breakfast, and the all-groups concert which followed. After lunch, we packed up and waited for two hours for the buses to arrive, to bring us home. We arrived back at Grarnmar at 5.30, ready to begin a new semester the next day, rested and refreshed(?).

I.S.C.F. REPORT We have had a very successful year with a larger group than previously. Attendance has been very good, though we do seem to have a complete dearth of middle-school girlsl However, we have managed to enjoy ourselves while growing as Christians. A number of special activities have.been held within our themes of Outreach and Growing Together. We held a very successfulCoffee-shop with help f rom Lindsey Mil chell as our "guest-artist", and in second term Mrs. Han- cock helped to organize a House party in Communica- tion Skills, which was led very successfully by Stehen Lee from Sydney. We finished up with a Barbecue at Mrs. Hancock's home, which was very f riendly and en- joyable. To aid our resources we held a cake stall during second term, with all our feeble attempts at cookery disappearing before most of the school had even arriv- ed! Within our inter-school part of the organization we are planning a barbecue in October and if possible we will hold a secdnd Coffee-shop. ln our weekly meetings we have held Bible studies, discussions and talks by Miss Collinson, Mrs. Edwards, Rosemary Morris, Pauline Haubner and by a few of our members. Our thanks go to all these people as well as Lindsey Mitchell, Mrs. Hancock and Stephen Lee and of course our able committee, led by Erica MacMillan. We are hoping for another interesting and successful time next year with our new President Janice Staines. Anne Jell, 5E. Secretary.

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