1978 School Magazine

Gommunity Services Group RePort During second term this year, a group of about 35 girls got together to form what we call the "Community Ser- vices Group". We decided to attend the Princess Alexan- dra Hospltal Rehabilitation Centre, where we felt we could beof some assistance to patients and staff. Small groups attend the centre each week. Miss Jill Corrigan, Physiotherapist in charge of the centre, has been really helpful..For the first few weeks, she explained to us, the patients' difficulties and specific diseases, and then in- troduced us to patients and the staff. Since then, we've been helping where-ever we're need- ed. Most patients we visit are in the Geriatric ward, and all girls who have attended have found the experience worthwhile. Tasks vary from - feeding, going to the Kiosk, to just talking with a patient. Enthusiasm on our behalf has grown. We've learnt many things about other people's lives, and we enjoy the ex- perience thoroughly. We're lucky to have the opportunity to achieve something worthwhile, and we know that pa- tients welcome our visits. We are really grateful to Miss Greet, Mrs. Steele and Mr. Logan, who have driven us to the hospital each Friday. We hope that the group n"ext year, will be even more enthusiastic and active. Please join us ! Julia Thiele

LOONY REPORT Loony Club activities around the school this year have not been extensive as I would have hoped, due un- doubtedly to the pressures of study. Although there are still very few fully fledged loonies operating in B.G.G.S., the number of half-loonies has pleasingly increased and a new organization, the Mentals, has just begun this year. Unfortunately, persecution by normals, who regret- tably comprise the bulk of B.G.G.S., remains a major pro- blem faced by insane people, and also deters many not quite normal people from breaking the ties of conven- tionality in favour of eccentricity. Yet although the life of a loony is by no means an easy one, do not let this discourage you, for it is an immensely creative, satisfy- ing and enjoyable one - the feeling of freedom ex- perienced by all loonies as they stampede down the sub- way in true elephantine style; the relaxation of yodelling on the railway station; assuaging inner tensions by com- posing a new, way-out loony-dance and loony-song and preparing it for the everpresent normals (who I am sure secretly appreciate how much such concerts briefly enliven the monotony of being sane) So:- Loonies unite This is our song Drive from the world All sanity wrong It isn't so bad Being quite mad

/- &L w",

Come join the throng It's where you belong!

Yours crazily, Kookie Van Loonie (alias Anne Gauci)

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