1974 School Magazine

,'CHILD OF COMPA,S^'/ON" She stood, like a silhouette ol silence; She saw, cycles of psychedelic cylinders; She sang, songs ol sanctimonious sensations; Her world was warped and wonderful. Child of compassion, Your life hqs been stabbed by spea:rs ol acid, Your mind has been hung

TREES Standing, tall, straight; A sentinel guarding nature's secrets. Important to us - For shelter and life. Without it we would die. A sentinel guarding our lives. A symbol ol God on earth.

by heroic hallucinogens vanquish your vivid veil, Cast your chronic crusade. Share smiles, Iove life, dreads will drown, in pools of purity.

Louise Permezel 5C

Susan Claringbould, IVD

THE CORNER MUSICIAN He sits on the street corner playing his music. He is blind and plays for a living. A regttlar cltstomer pauses remarking as he drops his money into the cup - "Evening lack. Business good? Tenible thing that bashing"- And he passes on without waiting for a reply. As he fades into the crowds. Iack remembers the good old years. When dancing, girls, wine and lood were his life. But then he could see He could see the sky, the birds and the trees, fIe could see the .oria . . . "What can you play?" His thoughts are inter- rupted by a music lover. And so the evening passes. Iile now returns to what he calls home. And settles down to count his day's earnings - one dollar ninety. A Good Day! Amanda Davidson tr't/C

"Suki" Linden Seale, IVA

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