1974 School Magazine
S.qdly misplaced from his Sunday morning stroll to the North pole, Rupert finds himsefi jn. the Sahara. Spying a nearby date palm, he s.gr.zes lhe opportunity to nail up a notice; 'Wanted, one. ig1oo, for roasted polar Bear, preferably with all mod cons, i.e. one hot water bottle'. Removing his ug-boors. Chilly-Ruperr also sees tlt to remove his .Norths' football socks ,3,11,rnr,:hing balaclava. ,,An ice_cream, my {Lngqom tor an ice-cream!,, he cries in anguish. Ah! but wait one moment, what is thi; i#;dt on the horizon? Could it really be u .j: huuoui ice-cream.parlour'? This is tod muctr f". Ctilfy_ Rupert, his mouth waters, or should i *v, fr..r6, over, with the anticipation of a doubl6'licorice arrd rum and raisin'ice-cream con.,-But alar, the- vision melts before his very .V., ^-u muO a_rab, astride the abominaUte saiO#an, iides into the scene. ...11o.,,h:r mirage, you_ may think, bur no; Drandlsh-lng his sabre, the mad arab proceedi to attack; yes. attack our white, woolly friend. rrom tnls trtile confrontation, RampanfRupert e.merges fashionably dipped in the ldtesi -pooAte !l,"l.,coi.ffure'!,Egadi'rs the ;;o-;;;; short_ srgnred, dtd he really mistake our grandiose hero for a mere nrutt?' 6rqr . While ashamed,ly attempting to bury his head *-Lh". sa-nd, which you must -appreciaie is quite difficult,for a freshly clipped-poiar bear, Rupert mqK:: hrs acquaintance with an ostrich who, .tyffty summrng up his dilemma, pronounces "Wha1 !s your next move in .the current situation?" ^ "Nibble Nobbys' Nuts; the dry roasted variety, of course" replies Rupert. --l'{olly good show!" says the osrrich and officially presents Ravishing-Rupert with an ostrich feather. What an hono-url ^ Bidding his farewells Roasted-Rupert slinks accross the desert, tossing his ostrich feather seductively over his should6r. Mandy Hawkins VIA cl dead {rsh "3#FH;t$fri-Wp on tiffi-co\o, trn, r"nu$k5riwrs bsT
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I peered lront my window as the wincl whistled through the cracks in this small cottage. unaware, I was hypnotised,
,as a pure while llake of snow driftecl down from the 'nowhere qbove. It started to snow heavilv and eventually, the once green fieicls which were dominated by lhe piip ind yellow blossoms were shroudect' tn ihite Bu.t still my complete concentration was in slu!1ing this one and solitary ittuminating elisc. .' 1.S FOR SNOWFLAKE Amanda Balchin 28
ruilkws u/ook in it?
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