1974 School Magazine


THE STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCI L Student President: Michelle Lihou Staff Representatives: Miss L. Vernon Mrs K. Cooke (absent)

s.R.c. The S.R.C. started in its second year of exis- tence with high ideals. Although thes-e are still realized by most of the members of the groups' it appears'that a different approach and review of s'eiection procedure will be necessary,.if these ideals are to^be realised in our school's situation' The aims, although they vary from person to person, basically are - (to) better communlca- iion within the- school, and to ensure that the students' views are ably lepresented and receive due attention. Bnt it should be obvious that at the moment this is not quite so' The question we should be asking is: "WhY?" Firstly, the school must recognize that the council is a smali body representing the much larger student population. The councii can only disiuss items that are presented to its represen- tatives for discussion. Aiso, it must be realized that the council operates within the school authority, not as a school authority, and there- fore we don't have the power to deal with some suggestions as conclusively as some girls would like. It appears that a main source of difficulty is a lach -of undistorted communication between forms, class seniors and their representatives, and morning reports of items approved, to the rest of the school. The loss of morning assembly is a major contributing factor to this situation. Almost i.rtuinly. this foint. at least will be rec- tified next year. This year, so far, the S.R.C. has been instru- mental in the abolition of the rule concerning singlets, the clarification of many rules, includ- ing that of wearing ties under jumpers, organi- sation of a dance after school day, and steps have been taken to provide hot showers' Before the end of '74, it is hoped that a new con- stitution will be drafted. M.L.

S.R.C. DANCE '- 1.4th SEPTEMBER As an additional contribution to School Day this vear. the S.R.C. tan a dance in the B'G'S' -*i.nuiy Hall. Starting at half past sevqn, all likely comers managed !o- be. there in time, ready for a very worthwhile -night' - Ai part of our campaign to make a profit, the Tuckshop, manned -by willing parents, sold soft drinks, -coffee and biscuits. These breaks were very welcome, as the bands, Mammoth and Borgus, though very good, seemed to have a problern regulating their amplifiers' bur thanks"go to all staff who helped in the supervision of ihe evening - Miss Shaw, Miss V6rnon. and the boarding house staff. Also, we would like to thank the little group of parents, who, whilst lacking in support, managed every- thing very well. We raised $190'47, and hope future efforts are as successful.

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