1974 School Magazine
. fo- ry" c-aught the next train to Butterworth, which is where we had to get off, to catch the barge to Penang, The journey was the longest of our whole trip 10 hours. We pafred away the time. by eating, drinking, reading, sleeping, telling--jokes, playing scrabbl-e and sin[_ ing. So after all that we arrived in Butterworih v_"ty tired, hungry for everyrhing but ham, cheese, and chicken sandwichei and'filthy, tilthy dirty. At Penang_once again, we were met by our to-ur guide who took us straight to the ferry which took us to Georgetown-pEnang. Our hotj was half an hours drive out of Geoigetown and was situated bcautifully with palm-tree--s, the blue, blue sea and golden sand. N4ost of ui had de_ cided we were just going to relax for our last few days. We werc givcn supper when we arrived. Would you believe . . .-liam, cheese and chicken sandwiches. Thcy must be Malaysia's speciality. Everyone hit the sack carly! The next day we had thc morning free. Jenny Shannon and i went for a swim incl met th6 teachers^going for a beach walk on our way back. After breakfast we once again went to thi beach. Thc water hasn't got an! surf, but it is very refrcshing. ln thc afGrnoon we went for a drrvc around Penang which of course is only a very small island.. Again _we saw Batik factory, fishing boats and roadside stalls. After drivirig through Georgetown some of us decided we't come in the next day and shop. We saw some old ruins from pcnang's past hiitorv. The bench once ag,ain beckoned us to it when- we got back tq th.. hotel, but we were very surprisJO to U. told ir was 5.30 p.m. and the'sun ivas still hot enough to burn you. We all went to bed ear\ again that night. The following day those who wanted to do :o... shopping went to Georgetown, the tcachers had organised a ride on a"fishing boat but s.gmething we.nt- wrong and we AiOJi !o. --' .. .Sally Cole and I were content to hire some li-lo's and float arouncl the Shaights of Malacca for a few hours. Our colour soon"told it was time to come in as well as the possibilities of sharks and water snakes. Later that day we were col_ lected, and taken t. tL. a-irport, 'stopping "m-", the- way to visit the Snake Temple ^which was full. of vipers, black mambu, und a couple oi pythons. At the - luport we said goodbye to our final guide, and became ready to- begiri our lo;g d;i home. We flew back tb Singaiore and ilaited tbree hours for our connec-ti6n to Brisbane, yhkh. Ieft Singapore at 9.45 p.m. and arrived rn unsbane at 9.00 a.m. on Saturday the 3lst Septemter, 1974.. After we haO fiA ; ,."1t marvellous trip!l! Written by Jenny Stehr and Charlotte n_eech.
War Memorial overlooking the Parliament House, which was closed beqause of National Day marches. they were held every day for three weeks before the Day. Also we visited the Uni- versity of Malaya and the workshop and shop of Selangor Pewter. The afternoon was spent differently by every- one; some stayed in their room, some went out and the others stayed in the pool. That night we went to a Disco with Vicki, who was delayed, unexpectedly by an accident at the entrance to our hotel, a man was hit and decapitated; that is not what amazed us, it was how there was no commotion as there would have been at home. The next day we had a country-side tour, we drove along Ambassadors Row passing a few Palaces one of which is being used-at the moment for the filming of "Paper Tiger" starring David Niven. We visited a rubber plantation; the drying latex had a very foul smell,- not much work wai going on there at the time. Batu Caves were the next on the itinerary, to enter the caves we had to climb 372 steps PHEWi!! . Once ag.ain we were tempted to spend what little remaining money we lad left at a Batik tactory and Silver Ware Craftsmith. We had a free afternoon once again and this was spent mainly round the pool. The next dav we left the hotel at 8.00 a.m- for the next and final leg of our journey before home. This plan, however, wag !o. be unexpectedly interrupt6d, Miss Shaw and Miss Goleby went early wlttr Lisa to the airport for her to catch tter flane back to Singa- gglg Tle rest of us left in-two cars, four wlth Viki and four with Frankie. Now staried the fun. We were spiit up and did not see each other again for three hours. Our train, by the way, was to leave at 8.50 a.m. . . . and didl So wheie were we? stuck in the middle of an enor- mous traffic jam, with a broken down car and unable to get a cab. Eventually one taxi would take us, the next half hour was again a trial. The traffic jam was caused by maiching practices which closed all the normai routes to the station.
The car that broke down! The others gor there before us but also missed IhL' train. Miss Shaw and Miss Colcby had becn waiting since lpprox. 7.00 a.m. , At thc tinre- it rvas qr-ritc a scrious problcm but now \vc cun only lirirghl nnyw.ry.u'.iy t.ip has its mishaps.
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