1973 School Magazine

For skiing lessons, Mr and \drs Salzman and myself *rit-irrun idvanced class, and we sympathized with th, O.uir.t, falls and broken fingernails of the ttgi"t.it u.iy well' I bought a large tube of Dencorub ;-il;" trnt to bed eich night hoping that the t"*fti"g stuff would cure our aches and pains' n ;;;y - Leith had the best bruises (caused by ;tunnini into" too many of those. NICE. B'B'C' .nupt oln the slopes?) After a couple of days on rf.ir, to^. guy *ui devils decided not to wait for the .".itt U"tf. to Smiggins, and, after our daily picnic lunch in the snow, decided to ski back home cross- .ou"tw. Debbie, Suzy Roden, SueTom', n-isa' Jayne *A Siu**y skiied back' In the soft' deep snow Uf*."n the heavy forest, control is very difficult - io ttop is to fall over as the skis are so heavily em- bedded in the snow, they cannot turn' tsesides the il;, Gy brilliantly managed to lose a ski .- good *ort . Uniottunately, along the tra-c-k, tlrq intrepid skiiers neglected to lose altitude until they came to a

Anxgnmwd Wm"&Kpffi SMIGGIN HOLES SKIING T'RIF: August'7973 Eariy one morning in August, at B-risbane Airport' one Guld see (if ont *ut very lucky). eighteen iugg.O-up suave jet-setters strolling across- the tarmac ;;ffid idr the iniernational pxayground of Australia- tf," S."*V n'lountains, Kosciusko' They were' actually u u.ty ittppy party of girls from Grammar and State fligtt goi"g^Jn the itcilng trip. After- two plane. flights itf; i; "one in a Foktei Friendship that bumped iuti tu..v molecule of air), we arrived at cold' windy Cooma. After a two hour coach ride, we arrived at the ,.ro*fi.ldr, Smiggin Holes, and the lovely Royal Coachman-Inn' H.tt *" met Miss Burnett, a member "i titff from State High' It snowed when we arrived* a sreat welcome for those of us who had not seen .rrit U.fot.. We built a snowman behind the Coach- man-complete with pipe and hat,-and gathered our Giqr , awkward skiboots and skis from the Snowline Ski bentre. I was amazed by the lack of snow' Even tfroogh'tit. slopes were white' dotted with the usual dark-snow-gumi, and glistening in the sun, some grass was sfto*ln! through, and mud was nearly everywhere ut the Uott6- of the slopes and on the roads' I found stone walls that tr never even knew existed and even iouna u shop that had, in the past, been so snowed over I had not heard of it. It was the wotst season ,in.. tq::, and Smiggins was closed for skiing' Early tra*t *otnittg, we loaded up into a bus -and were spirited u*uy to Piper's Gap - a-small-skiing area 6i*c* Smiggins and Feristrer Valley' Here we had most of the dailY skiing lessons'

steep drop that led to Smiggins (100 feet-below pi"*t Gap) anA it is alleged that they skidded down Uoi ttop.'on their behinds. When the classes were -""tJi" the treacherous, icy Perisher Valley' Mrs Salzman ended up stranded down an embankment ;; il" in a tree'..don't ask me how"' ' Jill glided d;;;"t entire slope, first standing, then sitting' then lying on the backs of the skis until landing into some trees. Wolfie Picked her uP. -- - We had u iun.y hat party - I went as Snoopy and *on, bu, I think that Suzy deserved- a prize for her ntitt'itpt"t 19?3' One night we had a fondue - of .outrt itt. pot of oil near Anne, Carolyne Curtis' iow no. "nO Cuthy Niarchos exploded into flames tfrui ntutty reached the ceiling' Stummy's. brave .iiotr oi blowing, flapping, and saving the fondue iott*- pr.utnted -ihe iuute rtom going ablaze' We ulro **ug"d to pour a phenomenal . amount of rn*"V int6 the juie'box and pool table' We kept tt-i"--ti-turi" running the whole time and Jayne and I ripped off a Jensational foxtrot and rock 'n' iott, wnif. the pool pros ripped off the felt.on tle ploi tuUft. At nigfrt, lvtr and Mrs Salzman waited up until late for us to enjoy our evenings - .but we didn't stop when we got ittto our rooms' The walls were paper-thin, and we had choral competitions ;.t*t;;^ ,oo*r. Who could forget Stummy and

The adorable ski-instructors quickly gained pop- d";;t. ih"y *.tt Gunther, Alex, Kurt, "IJncle Lou" una 'iWofi"". Our names lost (gained) in the trans' iuiio". S"",q.itken and Sue Smith were "snowbunnies" ii* Sutliuutt*as'?etal", Mrs Salzman called Stummy fn"Uv" Sit-*l "Stumpy", Leith.became. "llotty" Ld bur*.tt Campeneau became "Tonso" (she got ;;tillitit for foui days and suffered (so did we)' Carmen and Jayne Power were the two girls from ii"t. Uigt . We ieally enjoyed having lhgm.on the trip littty t".t. both as mad as hatters and loads of fun'




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