1973 School Magazine
,,, , . BTJTNAW WE CAN SEE" tnilscles, bones and tlesh me coordinated .All together, all ioined they't+wlk as one still moving simultaneouslY smooth. One is stronga more muscles no mote is there unitY but now, separation. lle can see naw.. they me different. They had looked similar but they lwd clanged rnw alien. They are stillnow whispered silence man-made emotions, &tallown e ss ott ertakes t h em talk is lost, metallic silence rugting. Mov ements become unaordinated slow indiffumt. CaU the meclwnic . . . nrry no response deadened silence. Oy a tear for those who are lost lost tmreaclable., find a rope no way. Please help me help rne help me get back. Ifunds locked in PoalYsis mavefnents slow ryasnndic.. .. smile Danger take heed de stru c tio n taking plac e. Reach out, reach out please reach out. You never did care you never even knew them now all is last nothing remains of tlnse frozen peoPle but. . . memaies, Still hands clasped still mock laughter but all had changed. Artificial, plastic part s mov ing mechanicallY.
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Jenny Andrews,68.
ARECIPE FOR WATER A half a ton of decayed fah, Pots and pans and rusty dish, A pint of insect infected watt, One mad man's mttdered daughter, Thickened up with lots'of mud, Frothed qp nice, with brown soap suds. Otwned up thro'a giant mix filtster, Going in slow, coming out faster, Thro' some pipes all ftlled with nu'tck And down a tap into rny cap.
Stacey Hill4A
Robyn White '73
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