1972 School Magazine

Medicine: H. Abrahams, J. Anderson, S. Bennett, A. Bruce, I. Budtz-Olsen, R. de Voss, G. Evans, J. Allan (nee Fell), D. Golding, K. Grayson, C. Greaves, J. Howman, S. Harris, L. Offner, R. Mason (nee Kugelmas), W. Parkinson, J. Peel, K. Pugh, W. Shaw, H. Tuckett, M. Venton, A. Westerman, I. Kamois, A. Knyvett, E. Mclaren. Music: K. Byth,A. Don. Occupational Therapy: W. Crofts, J. Croker, B. Curtis, J. Hawkins, R. McNaught, L. Stephensen, J. Sturgess. Pharmacy: B. Bingemann, C. Hoskin, R. Heading, S. l,ambert, J. Salter, D. Wilson. Physiolherapy: P. Bentley, T. Faragher, A. Nance, J. Nowland, R. Pashen. Science: M. Andrew, A. Brown, A. Cavaye, S. Bourne, J. Curtis, E. Davidson, W. Du Moulin, J. Findlay, C. Grigg, R. Hill, S. Jones, D. Marshall, J. Mowatt, M. Parkinson, L. Pitkeathly, J. Rabbets, J. Robson, R. Schalkoort, A. Specht, S. Spencer, J. Williams. Social Work: R. Bryan, R. Callaghan, C. Sawyer, J. K. Shaw, L. Parry, J. Ridgeway. Speech Therapy: N. Anger, C. Jessup, W. McCallum Velerirwry Science: E. Armstrong, S. Grimes,. S. Hamlyn-Harris, P. Wilson, M. Wylie. The Old Girls' Association are endeavouring to raise the maximum amount possible for extensions to the library being the School Centenary Project. We look forward to the support from all Old Girls including those not hnancial with the Association. In conclusion, the Assocation wishes to thank Miss Shaw, Trustees, Members of Staff, Miss Whittaker, and the Parents' and Friends' Association for their invaluable help and co-operation during the year. Julianne Richards Hon. Secretary.

'porurt{ orJ Jrr"rJ"' o4tuociation The Parents' and Friends' Association was founded in 1953 by Mrs. G. Boulton and members will be sorry to learn of her recent passing. From very simple but sound beginnings the Tuck Shop has grown into the busy organisation it is today. The object of the Parents' and Friends'Association is to raise Funds for School amenities by means of Tuck Shop and social functions and to keep Parents informed on educational matters. All Parents are eligible for membership upon payment of 25 cents annually. People with large vision must not lose sight of the smaller things. Education can become after-dinner banter until you become personally involved. It takes a lot of time and energy to come to Tuck Shop to raise money, but the disadvantages are outweiglred by the advantages and many a casual acquaintance has become a life-long friend. At the lgth Annual Meeting in February the following office bearers were elected:-

- Mrs. R. Cowlishaw - Dr. S. Knyvett - Mrs. J. Ford-Johnson - Mrs. H. Shepherdson - Mrs. J. Arbuckle - Mrs. E. Boorman

President Vice President Secretary Asst. Secretary Treasurer Asst. Treasurer

At the first General Meeting Miss Shaw and members of Staff spoke and answered questions concerning the Radford Report to a gathering of over 300 parents. The Second General Meeting, Dr. Neville Parker spoke on "school Girls and their Heroes"- He showed assured professionalism in his simplicity of outlook and his humanity concerning young people.

Fage Fifty-Six

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