1972 School Magazine

Fellowship Night: 18th April was the first of planned fellowship nights at the school. Old Girls were invited to bring along friends and enjoy an informal evening. Slides were shown of early Brisbane. Old Girls who attended voted it a success. It is hoped to plan more of these evenings next year. Fashion Parade: Combined Male and Female fashions were shown on Friday 23rd June in the School Gymnasium. Wine and savouries were served prior to the parade and supper was served afterwards. Old Girls and their friends enjoyed a very successful night, proceeds from which went to the School Centenary Fund. Combined B.G.S-O.B.A. & B.G.G.S.O.G.A. Ball: This year's combined ball was again held at 29 Murray Street on July 14th. The theme was a French Bastille ball which was a tremendous evening. The Ball Committee should be thanked for their work in making the ball such a success. Art Show: An Art Show was held in the School Gymnasium in conjunction with School Day on the l5th, 16th, and 17th September. It was opened with a wine and cheese night by Mr. Alan Edwards, Artistic Director of the Queensland Theatre Com- pany. Proceeds again went to the School Centenary Fund. A variety of crafts included china painting, copper enamelling, screen printing, pottery and leatherwork.


The Old Girls'Association was founded in 1899. Annual Subscription is $2.00 due in February each year. Life Membership is $40.00. The Magazine fee is optional and may vary from year to year, usually payable by August 31st. An Old Girls Badge can be obtained for 75c. Membership is open to all past pupils who have attended the school for a period of one year, but pupils who have attended for a shorter time may be admitted at the discretion of the Committee. OBJECT To quote from the constitution: (a) To keep up a connection between past pupils and the school and to promote friendship amongst past pupils. (b) To maintain an interest in the welfare of the school. At the 73rd Annual General Meeting of the Old Girls Association held on 14th February 1972, the following office bearers were elected: President: Mrs. K. Schwarten Immediate Past President: Mrs. T. Fancutt Committee: Miss N. Fulton"Kennedy, Miss B' Turner, Miss J. Manning, Miss M. McVie, Miss C. Cavaye, Miss M. Christensen. The proposed date for the next Annual General Meeting is Monday l9th February ,1913 ' ACT'IVITtrES Welcome to New Members: A barbecue to welcome New Members was held in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting on the 14th February. Approximately 20 students from the past year were weltomed by the Committee. A very friendly atmosphere was enjoyed, but it was a shame more past pupils did not attend. We hope to see more of this year's Sixth Form early in 1973. Miss Elliott's Testimonial Dinner: A testimonial dinner was held for Miss Elliott at The Courtyard on the 2lst March. Over 150 Old Girls, some from many miles, attended a very successful dinner, one which I am sure Miss Elliott will never forget. A watch was presented to Miss Elliott and later a cheque, with which she made various other purchases. Many friendships were renewed on this occasion. Senior Vice-President: Mrs. T. Vallis Junior Vice-President: Miss B. Webber Secretary: Miss J. Richards Assistant Secretary: Miss J. Petersen Treasurer: Miss R. Henzell Assistant Treasurer: Miss J. Vallis

ENGAGEMENTS: Robyn Stevens & Alan Wilson Pamela Robinson & Howard Kinnon Julie Peel & Clif Fisher

Ellwyn Stevens & Ken Johnson Ituthleen Albect & Paul lllidge Berys tr eigh & Kim Evans

Robi.r X-ickiss & William Savage Carolyn Webber & Gary Metcalfe Rebecca Kuglemas & Michael Mason Narelle Willaims & Feter Campagnoni Elizabeth Kennedy & Joe Gibson Judy Sharp &Heinz Rodins Adele Westermal & Tony Green l,ouann Traumbauer & laurence Baker Julianne R.ichards & John Daniel Rosemary Henzell & Alan trsles Jennifer Vallis & Mark GraY Alison Whalley & Paul tr-awless Wendy Jackson & Helen Pfeiffer & Errol Pollard Clare Fhillips & Richard Tucker Dianne McCamleY & Stuart Janice Page & Feter Schindler

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