1971 School Magazine


Inter-school Christian Fellowship This year has been very encouraging in the life of I.S.C.F.-With the beginning of ltrst term we saw a change in councillorS and we would like to thank Miss BhkJ for all that she has done for us throughout the vear. We saw also a change in members and numbers as not only new pupils but also other members of the school and staff joined our ranls- One of our most note-worthy meetings took the form of a musical about God-"Tell it like it is-';-presented by members of the Queenslald Bible Instiiute who performed to a gymnasium full of girls and staff. Another of our meetings which atracted many girls was one in which five teachers formed a panel and for this we would like to thank them. We would also like to thank Miss Shaw for her permission to invite various guest speakers to other meetings. Other activities included a bus-trip to Kondililla Park and various holiday camps throughout Australia, all of which were very much enjoyed. For those leaving us, we give our best wishes for the future and to those returning next year we extend our invitation to join us each week at I.S.C.F.

,5.C.J4.,-Norc' The Student Christian Movement has had a very busy year, and we must thank all who have helpedin matiing meetings interesting and very rewarding. The two piople we especially thank are Miss Shaw and Miss ^ Lane for a-ll their wonderful interest and enthusiasm. This year twenty new members joined at a service conducted by Dr. Lewis Borne, and we were very pleased Miss Shaw and some members of staff were able to attend. We have had many interesting outside activities including a swim, barbeque and discussion evening with Briibane Boys' College and Church of England Grammar School, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. We also raised money for Austcare by holding a cake stall and car wash' The Staff again proved willing to stand up to topics put forwird Uy the girls in a panel of teachers which provided us with a variety of ideas'

R. Chenoweth

Elizabeth Murray

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