1971 School Magazine
school to meet for discussion, not only of house activities, but of broader issues pertaining to life. in general, that house activities should encourage participation by a greater number of girls, not so as to win this pennant or that, but simply to enable girls throughout the school to get to know each other. Our best wishes go to the Boarders, who, with their indomitable spirit now made manifest in a Boarders' House, will set a fine example of co-operation and comradeship.
It has been a stimulating year, and we should like to extend to Miss Shaw and our House Mistresses our thanks for their assistance and their interest.
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The Grammar Singers was formed in early June 1910. The success of our first concert seemed dubious at first-'I-a difference' was the reason. Our fate was saved however by the cheery cynicisms of Mr. Montague who united the sexes to produce the harmony of the Grammar Singers on our first performance in the Combined Concert last year and then in the Boys' Grammar Concert. To some we have passed unnoticed but to many we have been acclaimed through our three main works, "The Nativity" and an assortment of chorales (Christmas L970), "The Cruxifixion" by Stainer (Easter 1971) and'Ode on St. Cecilia's Day' by Handai (September l97l). Each work has-been progressively harder but we have overcorrie the p,roblems we believed impossible owing to the spirit that exists amongst the members of the Grammar Singers and the encouragment given by Mr. Montague. Other minor performances include the Confirma- tion Service at St. John's Cathedral, the Foundation
Day service at the Boys' School and at the Girls' Grammar Concert. Finally but by no means least, was our success at the Ashgrove Methodist Church Eisteddfod where we gained three first places and one second place out of the four sections we entered. The money won in the eisteddfod and that obtained from the concerts is used to provide music for future performances. Our future plans include the broadcasting of a Hymn Singing prograinme to be heard on November 7th. We have been asked to sing at the Twelfth Night Theatre on October 24th and also at the Ashgrove Methodist Church on November 20th. Our last effort for this year-and for some of us, the last as members of the Grammar Singers will be a choral Evening on November 29th. The pure harmony that exists in the choir refers not only to the musice we qeate but also to the members-the only means by which such musical harmony can be achieved. Margaret Patterson, VID
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