1970 School Magazine
Si'tlr j"rvv, Jf"tes Is this the antepenultim ate? . . . \fill it end with abang or a whimper? Three years from now there maf be no Senior examination. \7hat difference will this make to the spirit of Sixth Formers in years to come ? \il/e hope they will always have the same zest as u/e have. Our final School Day as pupils was high- lighted bv a keen and friendly atmosphere amongst aII. 6 A's "Nibbling Nations" giYe .v.rybody a chance to try some exotic and deli- cioui comestibles, and the six budding models from Room I made 6 B's Fashion Pamde a pleasant and original one. Paper flowers and iamingtons . . . whut next! Yes 6 C like to be originall For anything and everything 6 D's "Flea Market" was the place to go. We all recall the Sixth Form Dance as having been fun, fun, fun. Our thanks ate extended to all those who helped make it the success it was. The black and silver mobiles and the black and white balloons helped to create the gay atmos- phere of the dance. This year our three debaters, Cecily Greaves, Sue Byth and Adele \Testerman brought merit to themselves and the school in winning the Queensland Debating Union's Impromtq Debat- iig ftnal. Adele is ulto to be c-ongratglated on belng chosen as Quota Student of the Year, as is ViviEn Hyam foi winning the Senior section of the Goethe German comPetition. Sixth Form uras well repfesented in sport. In the ((A" Softball team were Sue Byth (cap- tain ), Fleather Andrew, Julie Dickins-on, \ilendy Parkinson, Mary Martin, while Sue Rutter v/as the ((8" 'team captain. The sixths in the ((A" Basketball team v/ere Julie Dickinson (captain )t and Sue Rutter . Jun Stark was captain 9{ ((B" team and Jane Thompson of ((C" team. tilTendy Parkinson i captain ) and Heather Andrew played well for the "4" Tennis team. Co-captains of the Swimming-team wefe Janet Salter and RobV-" Mclune, whilst Barbaia Bingemann and Adele \7este tman were captains of the ((A" and ((C" Life-Saving teams respectivelY , \7e commend the efforts of all the Seniors in the Athletics team, especially Sue Byth who won the high-jump and Heather Andrew who won her age face. With the number of school davs rapidly diminishing, we should like to take the opp_o1- tunity of ihanking aLl ouf teachers and especially our Form Mismesses, Miss Elliott ( 6A ), Miss Thomas ( 68 ), Miss Paterson ( 6C ), -and Miss McNamara ( 6b ) for their assistance during the yeat.
Lest it be said that Mrs. McDonald had chosen this year to leave the School with a wonderful crowd of girls, we hasten to point out the ambiguity of this statement. On a serious note, we wish-her a long, active and huppy retirement. Thousands of girls have grown to womanhood greatly indebted to the years of guidance she has exercised. On behalf of all her former pupils we wish to record a sincere vote of thanks. ],frl j"rvv, fl"tes Once again, we are approaching the end of another chapter in our school life. Fifth this year have been involved in everything from Grounds' Duty to Assembly Duty. Again this yeil Fifth formers have proved their capabilities in all fields of sport swim- ming, life-saving, basketball, softball, gymnastics and tennis. In athletics, u/e Fifths, proved ouf spelling prowess when we cheered our school on to victory at the Cricket Grounds. On the cultural side, our fighting spirit was dominant in Debating whilst many of us are rapidly following in the footsteps of Katherine Hepburn. Now onto our social lives ! Perhaps the biggest event of some of our lives was the trek made by forty-three brave explorers into the wild unknown Cenmal Australia. \We hope our chaperons, Mr. and Mrs , Adam will eventu ally recover ! School Day was a great success for the whole school, but particularly for the Fifth Form. \7ith a fashion parade , a caf.e, a soda fountain anC Devonshire teas, it is no wonder that v/e 'u/ere a little tired for the School Day Dance. We could not, however, have achieved the heights obtained without the invaluable aid and support from our four Form Mistresses,. Mrs. Stenders, 5A; Mrs. Kugelman, 5B; Mrs. \TilliaryS, 5C; and Mri. Chowdhury, 5D. \7e would also like to extend our thanks to all the staff and parents who have helped us this year: - Our very best wishes go with Mrs. McDonald and v/e welcome Miss-Shaw and will ry to make her new position as enioyable as possible. \7ell, Juniors and Seniors, we hav-e been imagin ing ourselves in your position. \7e have lost- all i.nt" of normality, our finger-nails are non-existent, our nerves are in shreds and all out social life has died. With such sympathy how can you fail? Good Luck to you all and we hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
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