1970 School Magazine

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Captains :-

Mary Martin

Deborah Partridge

Desley Graham

Thea Faragher

Adele Westerman

Vice-Captains :-

Jan Stark Josephine Williamson

Dinah Priestley Jane Thompson

Heather Andrew Susan Rutter

Helen Marshall Dianne Stadhams

Wendy Parkinson Valerie Richards

Sports Captains :-

Susan Rutter

Jane King

Robyn McClune

Jacqueline Nissen

Wendy Parkinson Debating Representatives : Adele Westerman S.C.F. Representatives :- Christine Broughton

Helen King

Suzette Coates

Nicola Fulton=Kennedy Robyn Scarr

Dianne Stadhams

Rhyl Steele

Vivien Hyam

Susan Bourne



Results of Interhouse Competitions - Swimming : Griffith, Lilley, England, \Toolcock, Gibson. Volleyball; Gibson. Basketball : Lilley, England, \7oolcock, Griffith, Gibson, T able T ennis ; Lilley, England, Griffith, \7ool- cock, Gibson. Tennis; England, \Toolcock, Gibson, Lilley, Griffith. Athtetics : Lilley, Gibson, England, \Toolcock, Griffith. Singine; Lilley, England, \floolcock, Griffith, Gibson. Gymnastics : \Woolcock, Gibson, Griffith, Lilley, England. I97 0 has been a year of keen interest in lnterhouse activities. \7e have all enjoyed success and our thanks go to the House Mistresses for their support, an-d to the girls who particiqated with r.tih spirit. This is the first year we have included Life-saving and Softball in our sporting calendar, and we are hoping to spul intelest in drama with Interhouse One Act Plays, House sponsorship of under privileggd children has con- tinued thiough the "Save the Children Fund", and we are now preparing gifts to make their Christmas a little happier. Best of luck to all the candidates in PubliC Examinations and we hope that future years can also enjoy the fellowship that comes from a keen House spirit.

Ball games practlce

Morning Basketball Tralnlng

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