1970 School Magazine
Valda Jury and Alan Hammond Helen Foote and Grant Dowling Janelle Bradford and John Taylor Dianne Allman and Kerry Potter Wendy Bliss and Reginald Henry Jeanne Nash and Graham Read Barbara Trotter and Terrance Thomas Robyn Stevens and Wayne Rogers Catherine Urquhart and Adrian Mortirner Robyn Bryce and William Shields Janet Middleton and John Leggo Cecilie Curtis and Mervyn Lander Wendy Bacon and Anthony Edwards Issabella Richard and Terence Skehan Patricia Neilsen and Lester Robinson Nola Bjorklof and Robin McCann Pamela Arkell and Guy West Julie White and Don Godfrey Sylvia Galton and Donald Pegg Janine Hedges and Robert Eva Sandra Small and Denis Nolan Lynne Atkinson and Robert Kelly Elizabeth Wilson and Bryan Cheetham Gale Hood and Ross Rogers Elizabeth George and John Evans Heather Tucker and John Selwood Roslyn Hoggett and Hinds Gillian Sutherland and McKee Barbara Morgans and Glen Johnstone Adrienne Kidd and Graham Jocumsen Judith Elliott and William Stevenson Patricia Cox and Geoffrey Boyce Margaret Miller and Merrick Thomson Christine Steindi and David Purvis Suza-ne Brown and Clive Dixon Dianne Allman and Kerry Potter Catherine Urquhart and Adrian Mortimer Kathryn Edwards and Cameron Marshall Lynda Canty and Meriel Gazzard and Peter Healy Cecilie Curtis and Mervyn Lander Barbara Palethorpe and John Newcomb Janelle Bradford and John Taylor Carolyn Cane and Noel Roberts Jennifer Kerr and Gary Smallcombe Wendy Bacon and Anthony Edwards Valda Templeton and Geoff Ivett Lenore Davidson and Alan Marr Jennifer Bate and Ian Marilyn Dow and Bruce Peitsch Suzanne Hall and Frank Luirt Cheryl Smith-Finkell and Robert Charlton
Lorraine Hanton and Douglas Smith Annette Klingner and Edward Wann Jane Turnbull and Michael Gurdon Sue Craig and Angus Robertson Lorna Davis and
BIRTHS : *..uutt#ts;5i,. *.*ellar (nee Paula Purvis) - tt.Ti Y.li: Francis Holmes (nee Barbara Stone) Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gill (nee Barbara Dixon) a son. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Derrick (nee Roslyn Geach) - a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Bren Richardson (nee Carolyn Scholes) - a son, Philip. *r.uu11#::J#." Pietsch (nee Marilyn Dow) - Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bacon (nee Roslyn Rounsefell) a son, Derek. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shepherd (nee Else Budtz- Olsen) - a son. GENERAL INFORMATION The Old Girls' Association has had a par. ticularly busy year. All members who artended any of the years'functions will agree that both socially and financi ally , these functions were very r,r...rrful. Attendances at most functions thi; year have been good excluding 'The Grammar Ball'. It is regrertable that so many Old Girls Crop out of the Association after they have been members for a year or so. The Old Girls' is one way of keeping up the many friendships made during Grammar School Days and I urge all Old Girls to attend all functions during the year especially as the School Centenary is drawing near, and so maintain friendships and help the school through the Old Girls' Aisociation. In conclusion, the Old Girls' Association u'ish to thank Mrs. McDonald for her conrinued support and interest in the Old Girls' Association and also extend to her best wishes on her retire- ment. Many thanks are also due to the staff of the school especially Miss Thomas; the students (especially the Sixth Form ), the Trustees, the Parents and Friends Association for their inval,:- able co-operation and assistance during the yeat; and lastly, but bV no means least, the Committee, for their untiring efforts during the year. Julianne Richards, Hon. Secretaty. UNIVERSITY NOTES B.G.G.S Old Girls who graduated in December 1969 and April 1970 Bacbelor ol Agriculture : Mrs . J. I. Shorter ( nee McKay )
MARRIAGES : Jennifer Bacon and William Lutton Barbara Griffith and Arthur Locke
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