1970 School Magazine

Olt Qtnlr' ./'so ciqtion fl"tes

Welcome to I'trew Members : This function v/as held at Tom Jones Tavern on the 25th March and was a most enjoyable and successful evening. This function is always exmemely popular with the girls who have just left school. New members *.tJ welcomed into the association and informed o{ the proposed activities for I97 0 . Combined Grammar Ball; As usual, w€ jcined with the Brisbane Grammar School Old boyt'Association to hold'the Grammar Ball'. This was held at the University Refectory on Jrrly 3rd. Unfortunately, the date clashed with many other functions and the attendance was very low, especially from the Old Girls' Association rn.-b.tt. Nevertheless, those members who attended voted the Ball a tremendous success socially , if not financially. Fashion Parade and Luncbeon: To cater for those members free only during the weekdays,- a l,-ttch.on and fashion parade was amanged in the school Gymnasium orr' Jtly 28th. This was the first function organi zed- by the Old Girls' Asso- .lurio" where the proceeds were directed s-olelV io-rtdt the Girls' Grammar Centenary Fund. It was a most successful function not only financiqlly U"i ulto socially as nearly 200 people attended and fashions *it. from the "Village Boutique" ' Assistance given bV the Parents and Friends ^t this function was most appreciated. School Day: 1 2th September saw another very successful - hamburgers and drink stall con- d*t.J bt the Old GirTs' Association on School D;t. Af Committee members and also non- committee members who helped deserve a -big ,1rutt[-you. The Old Girls also organi?rd a,coffee rh"J i" .onl,rnction with the fourth and fifth iotrn dance held after School Day. This was most ;;;;f"l mJ thorouehlv enioyed by the girls u'ho attended. OLD GIRLS' PRIZES, 1969 Annie MackaY BursarY : Karen BYth Art in VI Form : Rosamund Vidgen Practical Art : (UpPer School ) : Neth Hinton ivriiat. Schooi ) : BronwYn Gough Highest Average in IV Form i Margut.t McGill Congratulations and best wishes of the Asso- ciation nr. ."1.'d.d to the following Old Girls - ENGAGEMENTS:

The Old Girls' Association was founded in 1899. Annual subscription is $ 1 .50 due on February lst each year. Life membership is $35; badges 7 5c. Also a magazine fee is payable each year bv 30th June. Membership is open to all past pupils who have attended the school for a period of one yeaf but pupils who have attended for a shorter time may - b. admitted at the discretion of the committee. To quote from the Constitution : OBJECTS The objects of the Association are : ( a ) To keep up a connection between past pupils and the school and to- promote Iellowship amongst Past PuPils. (b) ff rru,::f,;;,i" interest in the welfare At the seventy-first Annual General Meet-ing -Association held on Monday, 16th February, I970, the following office bearers were elected President : Mrs. T. Fancutt Vice-Presidents : Mrs. K. Schwarten and Miss Rosemary Henzell Secreta ry : Miss Julianne Richards Assistant Secretary : Miss Beverley \X/ebber Treasurer : Mrs. K. McKellar Assistant Treasurer : Mrs. A. Purvis Past Presidenr : Miss Margaret Anderson committee : Mrs. K. Porter ( nee Allman ), Miss Kuy Austin, Miss Karen BYth, Miss B. LansburY, Miss A. Moores, Mrs, T. \7. Vallis Honorary Auditor : Mrs. S.'J.ttY Delegate to Queensland Girls' Secondary Schools' Club : Mrs. T. Fancutt Delegates to National council of \ilomen : Mrs. A. Purvis The proposed date for the Annual General Meeting fgl t is Monday, 22nd February. ACTIVITIES 1,969-70 President's at Home : 1 969 was brought tcl an end bV an enjoyable informal occasion held on the 29-th November, 1969 at the home of our President, Mrs. T. Fancutt. It took the form of a tennis, dancing and music evening. of the Old Girls

Jan Thomas and Bob Downs Chris Steindl and David Purvis

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