1970 School Magazine

Cu,rent €uevtts

L97 0 has been a year whose fleeting months have represented both a welcome back to Mrs. McDot uld from her overseas trip, and a farewell to her into a retirement which we all hope will be a happy one. In f anuary ure gained five new members of staff, Mrs. James, Mitt Barnhart, Mrs. Allen, Mrs.'Healy and Mrs. Moodie. Latet in the yeat, Mis Dobbinson, Mrs. Kings, Mrs. Timmins and Mrs. Topper joined the n.tmb.r of new sta-ff, to whom *" ext'end a hearty welcome. Also during the year, we said goodbye to Mrs. Fallon, Miss Trotier, Mrs. Sharma and Miss Barnhart, With F ebruary came the beginning of the interschool softball rounds, in which our B team met with much success and came home with the pennant. The A team, - however, met with brisbane State High School and came home, nevertheless, with sporting smiles. In the Inter- house Swimming Competition, Griffith House pto".d smonges{ and iuryt Salter and Deborah i{andley shaied the individual .h-u-piolships. Deboralr later won the Dr. Lockhart Gibson Trophy also. March introduced our new second formers to the firtt of three A.B.C. symphony concerts, and a latge number of young neurcomers have become -.-i.tt of the school orchestra group which has given us some lunch-hour concerts. Fifth and Si"th form girls were most fortunate in hearilg pt. An.til iurnthaw and Dr. Beryl Hinkley talk t; them about a number of teenage probleryS, *f,ii. the Junior forms received talks on similar i"p[ iro-. Mrs. Dingle. Ig March 'we heard th^t Rotin Chenow&th, Fiona Greenwood, Robyn Flanscomb, Elizabeth SToo{1,' Janet. Dyne, H;ien Gehrm ann and Beth Vockler had been ;;;a.d-Trustees Scholarships for their scholastic


achievementS, The interschool swimming carnival resulted in Brisbane State Fligh Schools' retain- ing the cup, and the Grammar team's being placed sixth. The School Swimming Cup went io Deborah Handley. Aprit v/as a month of mixed sentiments; for it was in this month that we heard the sad news of Mrs. Catt's death. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and the Royal Family came within talking distance of many of us in April. Grammar gittr "provided a mout attractive p-art o{ the Ithletic display staged for the Royal visitors at the Exhibition grounds, and warm smiles indica- ;;i it ;; a d":v enioyld equallv bv visitors and visited. The interschool life-saving competition held at St. Matgafets gave one ((C" team an opportunity of showing itt winning form' Know' i.ds; of iii.-saving hal been put into practice bv MuIgut"t and K"atherine Marriott during the Ciiti"ttmas holidays when they rescued a drown- ing man from ih" surf . Excursions to Point Gl.r-tigfrt, the Brisbane Valley, Central Australia ;a irfi*r' Island provided innumerable indelible memories for the girls and, no doubt, the accom- panying misletteJ to whom our thanks must go. A *orl .*hilutating talk bV Mrs. McGuigan from ;il F;..Jo- from"Hungei Campaign activated ^ school committee for help in their cause. May was indeed a "lusty month" for Grammar Sports Teams which entered the Basketball and Tennis Fixtures. The end of the Season saw three neur tennis pennants ( the "A"' ((8" and "Bth grade" ) adorning our walls, and in basketball the ((C" graders were successful' Suzette Coates and Angela Paine excelled in the Senior and Junior Dickens Reading Competition (respectively ) ,


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