1970 School Magazine
.-ftlrr. f"wise Wrrlu, J\"n',oll B.Sc., Dip. Ed.
Louise \Warden Crooks was educated at St. Margafets School, Brisb ane, at which school she taug-ht for sevefal years after grgduating from the Unlversity of Queensland. After a ye^r at the Ipswich -Girls' -Grammar School, she was uppoitrted to the staff of the Brisbane Girls' Giu-rnut School in L940. She succeeded Miss Kathleen Lilley as Head Mistress in L952. In lgii} she -utii.d Hueh McDonald. Except for ffi periods of o,oerreus leave in 1957 and L969 she hat continued until this Year. An extract from the Annual Report of 1'952 reads i "To quote the words of Miss Lilley i.n h.i last feport-, 'The School as I shall leave it is ror-rnd.' T; tuk. over the school in such a con- dition is my huppy lot. It is my fervent desire th;t-Lnd.r '*y diiection it will remain sound." The school of I97 0 is evident proof that this Jesire has been realised bV Mrs , McDonald' During these years, it has grown from 455 to 682 and thire have been many changes in its structure' ffi""s rh; larger additions havi been the Library i]tt8i, -th" Slvimmine Pool .(1e60 )' lbg Tuck 3[6- '(tget), the G-n*lasium -( 1?62.).,- .the t,uUbtutories '('1.964) , the Music Block ( 1968 ) ' and the Science Block (1969). \Tithin the school, innovations such as the House System in L964, the- School Council L968, Sil[ Form Dinner L963, Careers Evening L96), Formation of Parents and Friends' Association 6;;: -ih; exuntine of the Aboriginal Scholar- ;[ipr' 1,967,- rh;-- Silgport of Save the Children e""a 1962, huu. added strength to the s6ucture. Mrs. McDonald throughout has pursued her ideal ;i a-'ischool with a-good tone as being a .o*-"nity of good citizenf each member iden- ;tf;*g h.lr.lf iritfr the community, accepting its
discipline, working for its welfare and sharing in its joys and sorrows." In her effort to make the education of the school liberal and all round, Mrs. McDonald has always encouraged and supportqd clubs, com- p.liiiottr, displais within and without the school rnd hat wllcomed visitors and new ideas' S.fiohrship of a high standard has continued to be the ni* of the Brisbane Girls' Grammar j.t-r""t. ffrroughour the years L952-7 0 the r.f,oUtti. achiev"ements have' been many and of a very high standard. An excellent head, Mrs. McDonald _ hul, thro"gh her wise counsel, her - s-ymPathetic "nd#tanding and native Irish wit- helped count- i;;;-;i;i;.--- STre has always worked closely with ir; ;t;ii: o". recalls manv fine women who have served the school loyally and who came to t; .r.t-b.t.d u*ong Mrs.- MiDonald's friends ' ,,It is only bv giving that one receives afly' thing *orth*hil""' i; uttoth.r- -apt qgolatio+ from the "1959 Arrn"ul Report. Mis. McDonald has given much to the ichool which in L970 is iit"rrrpting:-io- uaupt itself to change while still ilh;iA* principles laid in _the very early years of its existence. To Mrs. McDonald we all say "Happy Years aheuJ utJ may your retirement be most rewarding." - D.M.T.
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