1969 School Magazine
GG;G$ff The sun uas hish; the /taur u)as ripe - 'Twas time to see Sir Paul, And all the little Grammar Girls In rank and lile did fall. A deadly silence numbed the tips - Of scboolgirls, eaeryone, And female mind.s had iealized T he f atal hour had come ! At lirsl it was 6 buzzing sound T hat then became a roar. A policeman fast utent riding past And all the G.G.'s sau.,. And then on utings of rubber ftew T-he -great, black, s/tiny cai; And dead men stirred in ancient graaes As G.G.'s cried "Hurrah!" T be , time had come to do some work, And G.G.'s must return From roadside to the classrooffi, uthere They'd learn and learn and learn. Well, all-the girl; tDere back in sc/tool, And then, by some laint cltance,' Sir Paul's car rode, utith flags aXof t, T hat empty, gr€! expanse. - AMANDA GREAVES (IIID)
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