1969 School Magazine
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Gd/da# ds T o !ou, maybe d welcome uoice saying, . u;ho need-s lhose words? I see the face of ,rny friend and euerything is so clear. She is smiling, pderaJ'd'e ?
V ague ideas Ranning through my mind - Frustrating! But does it pay a person T o haue new ideas - A nerr conception of life? I deas cartse Question, Controaersy, Independence, Cban.ge ! Society abhors any change It wants stability. S ecurity - T hrouglt conformity. This is its only acceptable way of life- Acceptable without doubt
" I understand"
and for 6 moment -
.$o much of the past fites out of rny mind into the grasp of my senses. I toucb the songs filtering through the wind oft that lazy Sunshine day. I taste the air lingering about the ocean Waues beneath the cliff from which tDe stood. I listen And somewhere in my body I hear the sound of pulsating motion, constant and fl'euer ceasing. But I carunot hear the aoice of my friend,. She is f ar away, Yet ro near in my mind. _ SHARON INAHARA ROBSON
Destroy these ideas Bef ore their poison Contaminates my mind - Compellins me To seek the Truth.
World We'lI Live In" - GILLIAN DAVIES
"It's a Strange, Strange
"Future "'H;"iTll"
Page Forty-Nine
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