1968 School Magazine

give girls leaving School the opportunity of be- coming members of the Association while they still felt a tie with the School. \7e hope this will prove successful. The date for the Annual General Meeting has yet to be decided. An attempt is made to notify all girls leaving School of the date, and notices of forthcoming functions are sent to all financial members. It is regrettable that so many' Old Girls drop out of the Association after they have been members for a year or so. The Old Gids is one way of keeping up the many friendships made during Grammar School Days and I urge all Old Girls to attend the functions organised by the Committee during the year and so maintain friendships and help the School through the Old Girls' Association. In conclusion, the Old Gitls' Association wishes to thank Mrs. McDonald, Members of the Staff , the Trustees, Parents and Friends Asso- ciation for their help and co-operation during the year. BARBARA LANSBURY, Hon. Sec- UNIVERSITY NOTES. I thank the Old Girl who wrote to request the University Notes be included in the Old Girls' Notes again-they were omitted last year due to lack of information. I might best quote from her letter : "I would like to say how disappointed I was that last year's School Magazine did not contain the usual Old Girls' University Notes. I have lost contact with many of my old school friends since moving to Sydney, and the Old Girls' Notes are, for -.1h. only source of information about the University courses of many of my friends. The reason for thi omission of these notes is, no doubt, the lack of the necessary information from Old Gids, and I do hope that something further vrill be said at the next Annnal General Meeting about this lack of interest in the Association by the majority of Old Girls of the School"' Arts : D. Abrahams, P. Berry, K. Albr, M. Bitomsky, ' J. Cash, S. Craig, A. Cummins, K. Tlarvey, F. Hutto.t, R. Howes, J. Hughes, L. Hughes, E. Kennedy, T. Nielsen, E. Read, A' \ilhalley, L. \X/illiams, L. \0ilson, E' Young, J. Mac- millan, M. Syer, A. Robbins, D. McCamley, J.Lang, L. Atkinson, M' A.-Roper,-J. Hinton, S. McDonald, L. Channel, C. Young, F' Davies, \7. Palfrey, R' Purvis, J. Lendrum, C. Nosvrorthy, P. \(/est, L. Strutton, B. Smith, S. O'Donnell, S. Hill, L. Carnell, M. Rowlev, UNDERGRADUATES.

ITEMS OF INTEREST. Ailsa Solley is in Arts II at Macquatie Uni- Mrs. John Logan (Gloria Levv) has been iecturing full time at the Kindergarten Teachers' Training College this year. Rutb Ricbards, a sister on the staff of the Royal \fomen's Hospital, Brisbane, is planning a t;ip to the East for her long service leave. Rae Weinthal (Fatquhar) is semetary to the London correspondent of the Melbourne Herald' She is ,vriting "London Diary" in^the Courier Mail, rvhile the regular columnist is on leave' Margaret \Vard (Lowe) is living in Antwerp" She saw jill Harrison (Greenhalgh)- inEdinburgh recently.' Margaret and her husband, Mel, are due home in December. Parn 'Vinter (Verney) and her husband are in Alberta, Canada. They have a baby boy' Congratulations. Congratulations and best wishes of the Asso- ciation ar"e extended to the {ollowing Old Girls : versity, Sydney.


Marilyn Dow - Bruce Pietch Suzette KirkbY - D. Macleod Julie Walker - Robyn Pascoe-Bryan Laurens Dianne Patterson - John McKenna Sue Edwards- Jane Roberts - Richard Francis R. Foote-I. Sandford Beverley Fergusson - Peter de Jersey Lesley Tyrrell - Paul Earner Judith Stephenson - Helen Stone - Ian Dickson J. Roberts - R. Francis S. Kirkby-D. Macleod


BIRTHS: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Michaels (Jan Ferguson) - a daughter (Margaret). Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pien (Jovce Blackburn) - a daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Bill Orford (Rolene Colledge) - a son (James William). Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark (Frances Denmead) - a daughter (Jennifer Ruth). HISTORY OF THE SCHOOL: Miss M. A. Macmillan will be pleased to receive information about Old Girls for the "History of the School" she is compiling. GENERAL INFORMATION. It was decided at the Annual General Meet- ing on 23-2-68, that a representative from the O.G.A. would go to the School in last term to

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