1968 School Magazine

OfJ Qn.fr' A'so*qtiow f,*rcu

The Old Girls' Association was founded in 1899. Annual subscription is $1.50, due on lst February each year. Life membership is $35.00, badges 75 cents. Membership is open to all past pupils who have attended the School for a period of one y"ar, but pupils who have attended for a shorter time may be admitted as members at the discretion of the Committee. To quote from the Constitution : OBJECTS The objects of the Association are : ( a ) To keep up a connection between past pupils and the School and to promote fellowship amongst past pupils (b) To maintain an inrerest in the welfare of the School." - -At lbg sixty-ninth Annual General Meeting of the Old Girls' Association held on Fridavl 2Jrd February, 1968, the following office bearers rvere elected : President : Miss Margaret Andersen. Vice-Presidents : Mesdames T. Fancutt and K. Schwarten. Secretary : Miss Barbara Lansbury. Assistant Secretary : Miss Jennifer Bacon. Treasurer : Mrs. T. G. Bain. Assistant Treasurer : Miss Paula Purvis. Past Presidenr : Miss Robyn Holt. Committee: Mrs. McDonald (ex officio), Mrs. A. Purvis, Misses Rosemary Henzell, Gayie Hood, \7endy Bacon, Adele Schum, Barbara Hariis. Honorary Auditor : Mrs. S. Jury. le.leqtg !o_ Queensland Girls' Secondary Schools' Club. Mrs. S. A. Trout. Delegates to National Council of \fomen : Mesdames Byth and Allman. Mrs. Allman has since been replaced by Mrs. A. Purvis. The Annual General Meeting was again very poorly attended. The date had clashed vdti, dances at both Teachers' Training College, but the "older" Old Girls were also missing. - \i7e hope to see a bigget attendance next year.

ACTIVITIES. Velcome to Neu Me.nrbers: A fork dinner was held at the Hotel Majestic Gold Room on ,Thursday, 4th April. The President Miss Margaret Andersen, vrelcomed the many new mem- bers preseot at this function. Dance.. Due to the enthusiasm shown at the Annual General Meeting for this type of function, for the first 'time for some y.rrc " dance was organised in the School Gymnasium on Friday, 26th Apfil, by the younger members of the Com- mittee. The gids worked hard to make their "Black and \White Night" a success, but their efforts would have been better rewarded by a larger attendance of those who had been so en- thusiastic at the meeting when the function was suggested. Those who attended voted the even- ing a success. Combined Grarnmar Cententary BaII : As usual, we joined with the Old Boys' Association to hold "The Grammar Ball" at Lennon's Hotel Convention Room on 5th July. Commander Pixley, the President of the Old Boys' Association, and Miss Margaret Andersen, the President of the Old Girls' Association, welcomed the guests vith pre-ball drinks in the Aquarium Lounge. The evening was a social and financial success. Mornircg Tea. To cater for those vrho are free only during the weekdays, a morning tea was arranged. at the Jacaranda Room, Canberra Hotel, on Wednesday, 24th July. Our thanks go to Mrs. E. Turnbull who gave a most inreresting demonsuation of Copper Enamelling. Mrs. Turn-- bull's donation from her sales helped to make the morning tea financially successful. , School Day. A very successful School Day was held at the School on Saturday, L4th Septem- ber. The Old Girls conducted a food stall-viith hamburgers and drinks on sale. \il/e, who work oq ,the Stall, are always pleased to see the many Old Gids who come up to have a chat during the afternoon.


Annie Mackay Bursary : Helen Anderson Art in VI Form : Lynne Wilson. Practical Art : (Upper School): Margaret Tonge. (Middle School): Rosamund Videen. Ilighest Average in IV Formi Karen Byth.

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