June 1931 School Magazine

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The school also attenclecl a matirree given by Allan Wilkie, whieh inelucied scenes taken from both our Senior ancl Junior plarvs. Mr. Wilkie anil Miss lltrnter:-Watts irnpressed. Lrs all u,it]r their interpr eta- tion of th e dig'nity and charm of Shakespeare. Our o\4rn sehool eoncert has been a great success, and was enthusi- astically attend ed by nr any of the par:ents of present girls, as well as by rranY olcl girls. We f eel gratef ul to all those by whose assistance ancl supervision the prograrnr]le \ ras arrangerl. Miss Felgate and Miss Hollinshecl especially n'orkecl verrr hard to make the play ancl the c1ancing successful. fn the, beginning of the year an unkn on'n olcl girl macle to the school a present, which was as charrning as it \vas novel ancl urrexpected. This is the print of Sir Walter Scott, rn'hich rlow hangs in the School Hall, b)- the request of th e anonymous clonor. Since \,ve have been unable to thank her in person, rve llo\y tahe this opportunity of cloing so, During the first term Mr. Bor,vns. in a lantern lecture on Canacla, impressed us atl with the beauty and grandeur of that country. His maehine, which showecl slicles e\,'e11 in daylight, brought ac]clitional enjovtuent to the lccitttre both orr accourrt of its effrelerrcy and its novelt)'. A smaller section of rrs also en terecl into a rl ore intimate acquaintance wittr the nlatl Shaeklc-.ton, in a lecture which gave fult value to the courage of his party, ancl the rnoral effect proclucecl by his o\i!'n enduring faith antl s;'mpathetic leadership. These were truly invaluable in combating harclship in e land of eternal clesolation, yet of an abicling ancl spiritual beauty. [tOO a great nutnber of girls, this ]rea{ is the }apt of their school I' life; and even no\\r many are u,onclerirg what paths their lives rvill take next year. But thoug;h most of us have formecl our icleal of what we wish to make of the future, retrospect alrn,ays holcls pleasures more tangibty real than clreams. We rvho have been through the school know the real val-,-re of its traclition; ancl ,its real strength, its pleasures ancl its lasting frienclships. Their influence, we know, will be with us ahvays

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