June 1931 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grarnmar School Ma,gazine.

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine.

\Me n'ent into a Buclclhist ternple, hal-ing to remove our shoes before cloing so. The temple was rnagnificent, ancl tlre guicle gave us sonle of the florvers rvhieh had been placecl on the altar in the ear,ly morning. The palm trees noclclec[ lzizilv as a zephl'r stilrecl tireir tops, ancl butterflies flittecl aborit. Rut, alas! rve coulrl linger no longer, for the boat was waitingr so rve sailecl away, ancl Colombo \yas no more than a nlelnory-yes, a memory; but one never to be f orgotten. -Janet Turnbull, III.B. MUSIC NOTES. (Additional to December, 1980.) \\TIGHT I\IEMORIAL. Mr. Bot'le ver\r kinctly ac:tecl as Acljuclicator,4nd selectecl the fol- lorving compositions, f or the Test:__ 1. Bach Prelucle ancl f'ugue No.3, C Sharp }fajor. . 2. Valse Capriciense, Frank Briclgc. Joan Allsop In'as the winner, ancl .Ioyce Heron \\ron the Grice Prize, I]NIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS. Theor.r', Gracle V. : Evelyn I,f cKellar, A. Practical, Gracle III.: Evelyn }fcKellar, A. ELOCUTTON RESULTS, 1931. Gracle f f . : Beryl llinkler', C; Alna Hartshorn, C. Gracle Irr. : Ailsa Stor;', R; Vera lrarvey, C I Jessie Stewart, C; Barbara Fairlie, C; Thea Biclclle, C; Phyllis Marhrn'ell, C; Jean Meiklejohn, C. a- RESULTS OF TENNIS MATCHES.

tseanland Memorial LilorarY.

Miss Lilier.. N. Macclonalrl.

Vice-Presiclent: l\Irs. Jackson.

Presiclent: Secretary: Cornrnittee: A.

Treasurer: I,t. Roberts. H. Muirheacl, It. Bow-en, A. Ilartshorn, M. Lovekin, D. Bondn Story, D. Ivory, G. tr'rartklin, D. Cantron, J. Barher, S. MacKillop, M. Orr. Sports Association. Treasurer : J. Tinley- Conrmittee : Miss Macmillan, I\Iiss Drake, If iss Harcling, Miss Elliott, FI. Muirheacl, K. Dorlwell, M. Robelts, R. Watsotr, B. Yance, H. El'ans, M. Comlier M. tr'legler. Prefects. H. Muirheacl M. Roberts K. Doclrvell J. TinleY A. Ilartsh orn B. Watson Senior Boarder: H. Muirheacl. Form Captains. Presiclent: Miss Lilley Secretar-v : A. Hartshorn. Vice-Presiclent: Miss Park.

I V.lt.-8. Be:rnlancl f \'.F.---TI. Batchen f\r.G.-S. 1\[acl{illop IV.H.-8. Mackellar III.A._-I.,,. Brett iII.B.-G. Richarilson III.C.-P. Steeclman

\rI.- 1I. Mrrirheacl \,r" A.-IJ. Ilonalclson V.ts.-N. Pollock IY.A.--R. Beeston I\r.B.-J. MacDiannicl IV.C.--J. Gawthrop IV.D.- G. Barher

TEAMS Tennis.

A. l{ulphy V. Schubert

Doilrn'ell (Captain)

K. a1 \T.

I.G.G.S. v. B.G.G.S.-Won by B.G.G.S. B.L.H.S. v. B.G.G.S.--Won by B.G.G.S. B.G.H.S. v. B.G.G.S.-Won by B.G.G.S. S. Hilda's v. B.G.G.S.-Won by S. Hilcla's. S. lVlargaret's v. B.G.G.S.-Won by B.G.G.S. Old Girls v. Present Girls-Won by OIcl Girls. R,ESULTS OF NET.BALL MATCHES" I.G.G.S. v. B.G.G.S.-Won by I.G.G.S. B.S.H.S. v. B.G.G.S.--Won b;' B.G.G.S. B.G.H.S. v. B.G.G.S.-Won by B.G.G.S. St. Hilcla's v. B.G.G.S.-Won by B.G.G.S. S. Margaret 's v. B.G.G.S.-Won by B.G.G.S. Olcl Girls v. Present Girls-Won by Present Giyl s,


Emergency: J. Snorv Net Ball.

M. CrookeY J. Mac1)iarrnicl S. ThomPson ErnergencY: N. TaYlor

H. Muirheacl (Captain) H. Evans E. Johnson M. Tlill


K. Dodr,vell (Captain) M. Oomrie

B. Parhinson J. Patriilge

M. Doclwell M. Manson G. IIicTclleton B. Vance

J. Penny H. Shaw Y. Sparks

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