June 1931 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammhr School Ma,ga,zine;

Brisbane Girtrs' Grammar School lViaga,zine.

As the'eggs hacl hacl no rnore pr:otection or rn'a.r'mth tirat night than had been afforclecl thern b)'that coic'l-btooclecl snake, I clespairecl. of their ever hatchirrg'. Neveltliei ess, I prit thenr h,eneath another herr (ir a saf,e spot), aucl rvithin a lveek nine fluffrr little chicks rvere running rouncl her. fvhether or not the snalie sar-ecl tlieir lives -l:y sleeping Llpon ttrerit af,ter he hacl clevourecl their nlother, I cerrr.not sa)', ltut I lrnor,r- that henceforth all snakes are rlly enernies.

( ( He's the man rvho feecls the animals. t , ( ( Why is he callecl a keeper, if he gives f oocl awa;rQ t t ( ( Oh ! But, where are those pearruts ? Yorr tve eaten on! Hurry up! But v"ait till you;get horue, tlly bo;r. I I They tnovecl on, ancl the people loun cl the monkey-cages hearcl rlo mo.f;e. thern ? Ccmc ' '

J. C., rVF.


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THE SONG OT THE ELFIN MUSIEIAN. pipecl of the bell-bircts of S umrner, Ancl then of the srveet Autumn ktreeze, A.wirile of the ert"t, of the u'hip-bircl, Again of the rvincl irr the trces. He plavecl then the Song of the Ternpest, i He

THE, POOL OF DELIGITT. O'ershaclorn'ecl h)' tall, greeil, leafy gulns, There's a rippling, sparlilirrg pool, 'Reflecting a sk)' that is cioucllesslv blue In its waters clear ancl eool. Fair flor-rers bencl e€ntl',' io gaze jn the pool, Ancl bircls lv:Lrble song's gay ancl bright, Tlie wincl whispcrs lory as it stcals thr:ough the By the rn'on clerful Pool of Delight. -4. M.

Raging oycr the rvicle treeless plain, Betimes of the roar of the billorn's, Again of the sprinkling of rain.


tr'.) rlr.c.

-trileen Reinlers, IVB.


MY BANTAM. I once orvnecl a Bantam I-Ien. She was a pet, 'ancl a general fav- ourite atnongst us all, but she hacl orle failing: ancl that was the habit of making her trest herreath thr. house. Sonte tinrber \,vas stackecl there, a,nc1 pelh:rps that:reeorrntecl for the fact that the place seentecl to have a, great nttlaetion for snalies. The last time Bantv chose tlrat Jrorricl place fo.r'a uest I c,leciclecl to let her sit; to tell the truth, I must say that I lackecl eourage to searcli f or the eggs. When the little hen ha cl been sitting upon the eggs f or n earh' tu'o weeks, ancl T hacl Lregun to rnake plans concerning the chicks u'trich f hopect soon to or4'n, a d-reaclful thing happenecl. After clark one night I heard Banty give sonr e funny little squeaks as though in fe ar. I ra:n to the sicle of the house. but all was siient. Not ven- turing further in the clark, I retrirned indoors, ancl triecl to persuacle mvself that my pet was safe. First thing rtext morning I went to the nest, but though the eggs were nicelv cor.,ererl, no Bantanl was to be seen. Ifer place hacl been taken by a huge 'carpet snahe, which was coilecl upon the eggs and sleeping peacefully. I calletl for assistance and soon we killetl the rep- tile, 'which hac-[ slv:rllorvecl the 'poor little hen, tho latter being either stupefiecl, or too faithful to leave her nest.

'Ihe tinte set for oul ui:riv:rl at L']olourbo rvas 6 a.ilr., ancl we were to ]eave at g p.nr. Thus \,ve hacl arn plc tinre to look around the gity. \x/e were late in arriving, but ioo-king orr that scere we forgot every- t.hing. If \Ye clicl noJ feel ttrre spicy' hreezes blolving o'er Ceylon,s isle \ve at least hatL ot giirrrpSe of tl,.. " rvitchery of the East that hcld us c,rrclra-rrtec1. The tttuezziu -vvas calling tlie faithful to prayer, the weircl ci'y sourlclirlg mol'e eerie in the quivering silence. The streets were throngecl with robecl figul'es, like characters of long ago-strange, rnystic, ancl faritastie. I shall rtet,er forget our ilullock-calt ride. A roberl figure ch'ove the cart, autl ] re plocecrlcrl tirrough tlre cinnalnorr gartleils. TIrc snrell of the eirtnarnon afterr the previous raiir, was clelightful. But lleace, we were no\v cleniec-I. Whereyerrvve ry€ntr little half-rlakecl ltoys 1'an after our cart. Tire;' triecl to sing ( ( Tippelutl'y, t' but the res*lt was *ot pleas- ant. Then thct' callecl 'for ( ( hacksheesh. ' ' Whenerzer there is the siightest chance those people cali for ((backsheesh." Hoping pity n-oulcl operl ollr pllrscs, the1. c:rllecl out:'(1Vfe no rnr-;ther"1 oI ((Me 'o father." We gave them rxotley, ancl after'nrilnfr ceremmries of thanhs got ricl of thern. It was pitiful to see men wh o hacl cut off' an arrn or leg in orcler to get money by begging insteacl of x'srkirg.

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