June 1931 School Magazine

Brisbane Gir1s' Grammar School Maga"zine,

Brisbane Gir.ls' Grarnmar $chool Magazine.


' 'Oh, then, yott emplov oxen to draw yolrr crarria,ges nolv ? , , askecl I)rake. But Kingsforcl Srnith hacl become irnpatient b--,, this, and was nrov- ing off. As Drake began to follow him, the clock struek olre, and the rnovenlents of tlte tt'axr,vorks once tnore becanre very slorv ancl j,erky. Just then a cloucl passecl over the moon, ancl everything was in pitch darhness. When at last the cioucl passecl ancl the nroonlight again streamecl into the room) it was only to shorv the lifeless waxen figures stancling as they hacl been before tr,velve o tclock. -Joyce Meyers, IYG. HEAR,D AT T}IE ZAA. A l^ronran ancl her snrall son enterecl the gates of the Zoo, buying a bog of peanuts at the en.trance gate. t'Mny f have a peanut, please, Mumrnie?, t don tt you think that r,vhen you. let a little bov carry peanuts he shoulcl be able to eat sonre afterwarcls ? ' ' ( ( You nray carry them, but you must not eat them. t t Yes, Mrtmurie, but clon't you think that----Ch! r,vhat's that animal over there with tn'o tails ? , , ( ( Where, darling ? " ((Over there; he hets a tail on his nose as lr.ell as beftind.,, ''Oh ! that 's an elephant, ancl it isn 't a tail on his nose I that ts his trunk. t' t'Oh! Why cloes he keep his clothes jn the trunk insteacl of wear- irrg thenl orr hinrsel f ? " ( ( Btit, clear, he hasn tt any clothes. His trunk isn 't to paeh clothes ln.' ' ( ' Oh ! Munr mie ! When two people look very alike an c1 are the same size, what is the lvorcl they are?, , ( ( What clo you rnean ? , , ( ( You krrow-what Erie ancl Bett;- are ? r t ( ' Oh ! Tu'ins. fs that u,hat you rnean ? , , ( ( Yes, that's it. Well, Murnmie, that balci-hr.aclerl rnalr on this sicle of the wire anel the orle on the other s; cle, arc trvins. ' , (Mother reacls) : ( ( Balc1-hearlecl Gorilla of Tirnbuctoo. ' , ,, Oh! ),o.t naughty boy. Keep quiet. t' (Looks at man.) ( ('Oh! clear me, he ts your father 's boss. Come att'al at once. If onlv he hacln tt heard-I rn sure he clid. t t ((Mumurie, look at that clever morrkev over there. T{. has clressecl hinrself in a suit ancl cap.,, ( ( S-s-s-s:hr clarling, that ts ilre keeper ( ( What's a keeper, Mumrnie|,,, " No, certainly not, th ey are f or the rnonhevs. t , ((But, I\'{ummie, let nre carry thenr--lVlummie.

The interior of XIr. Thomas Maeoun's lvaxwork shop lookecl very eerie with the moonlight playirrg on the waxen figures which repre- sentecl some uf the,most notecl personages the worlrl has e\fer llnowu- As the hands of the town ciock pointecT' to fil'e minutes to twelve, :.r general tncr.'etnent might hat'e been perceivec[ ap]o1gst the ]v axclr figures. They began to rnake nlovements, at first verrr slow ancl jerkv, but graclually getting quicker ancl quicker, until the clock struck trn'elve- At the first stroke they began to walh rouncl the roonr, first feeling their wa,y uncertainly ancl then almost at a run. Then each 'figtwe, began to look round for sonieone to talk to. Ancl so it happenecl t'[at Sir Francis Drake and' Kingsforcl Smith, finding themselves togetlaero struck up, a conversation. ( ( Hullo, old boy, ' ' saicl l{ingsforcl Smith, as he g'ave Draire an amusecl glance I ( ( and rvhat 's your narne ? t t t'My name, Sir,' t saicl Drake, with much clignitv, t'i. Sir f'rancis Drake. ' ' Then, as art afterthought, he aclclecl, ( ( Ani[ rrray I :rsk rvhat )zour name is ? t t t t oh, niine 's Kingsforcl Snrith,' ' was the reacly answer ( you knor,v, I'm the fellow that flew around the worlil. , ' t'flew rouncl the u'orlcl, clicl .you s3.yr0: r gaspecl l)rake. ,, Slvorinds" Sir, you clon't mean to say that human beings hal'e c1er,.eioped. rvings since I cliecl? " ( ( Oh, verJr much the sa,me thing, ' ' saicl Kingsf orcl Smith, airily. ( ( We clon't have wings, but I^'e have nranufacturecl a machine callec[ atl aeroplane, rvhich has wings, and this inacliines carries us. through the air." He pausecl to let this sink inl then, bv way of chlrng- itg the subject, he asked, ( (Ancl how is old Queen Bess getting aw?'' ( ( ( Sh-sh," whisperecl Drake l ( ( there she is, over there. , , " Oh, she can't hear Ltsr'' Smith assure-.cl him, gazilig cori.teniptu- ously at Drake. ((Great Scott, nran, it beats nre how ).o11 ever.pluvecT such a great part in the clefeat of the Annacla if you're as timicl as all that. '' ( ( I 'm brave enough at war,' ' retorted Drake I ( ( but r,vhen it comes to a nratter of displea sing Her Majest;', I confess that I am a little timid. " ' 'Oh, well, if she hears us I 'll take the blane, ' ' saicl l{ingsford Sntith. Then, gl ancing at Queen Illiza beth, he said, ( ( I{ 'nr, I woncler tf Lizzie tr'ords are narnecl after her ? " ( ( Who are the Ltzzte Forcls ? ' t asked Drake. ( ( Are they frienrls of yours ?' ' ''Why, you ignorarrt chap,' ' replied Smith, testijy, ( r that ,s the nanie of a c.ar, of course, and in case you ilon't knorv what that is, it's a carriage that moves without horses. "

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