December 1921 School Magazine




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Dec., 1921.


As I eat at dinner, I seemed to have a strange feeling of loneliness, yet I took my usual part in the conversation, and outwardly all was the same. But I felt the difference, so, after dinner, when the others went to their work and I found I had none, I went for a s.roil on the hili outside. While walking along, I glanced down and saw the lights of the city gleaming beneath, some near and some far; some grouped to- gether in a blase of light and some set 'by themselves in a dark background; some only twinkling stars, and some broad beams of light. They attracted me so much that even now I can call up. the picture, and think again what I thought then. There is a cluster of bright yellow lights below me; those must' be the station. Their very, brilliancy impresses me with a sense of activity and haste. Par over are lines of sparkling stars, dwindling to faint specks In

the distance, curving away to right and left, in places, and interspersed with softer, broader lights. Those are the street lamps, peaceful, yet full of life, symbols of the quiet- ness of men, who may yet be roused to fierce wrath or other strong passions! Nearer is one broad light, from a window. As I watch, I see shadows pass across it in quick succession, and faint sounds of music reach my ears. Are they play4ng "Musical Chairs?" Even the shadows seem so Joyous and youthful that I turn away to game at a number of wide gleams, restful and quiet, across which no shadows pass. They must be the Hospital, and they give me a sense of peace and security, which I never had before. For is it not the sign of the unfailing sym- pathy of the human race? So I turned and bed, contented. went back home, and to J. 8TPH N6SN.-V.

Library Notes.

At the beginning of the year we started to look after the Library, as Fifth always have done, but as we are said to be young, after a few weeks Sixth took it on again. After Mid- winter, however, the Los 'r School were given a special day for changin, books, sad we supervised them. Sad to relate, they are al- ways clamouring for school storlees, and as these are few in proportion to the demand, we are not always able to satisfy their wants. At the beginning of thi: "rm, m the Senior was drawing near for he Sxtt, we were given complete controi, u'l are now on duty every Teesday and Friday. We have had a good many new books lately, some to replace worn-out copies, some quite

new additions. We have now a large stock of books by Ethel Turner, Isobel Peacock, Mary Grant Bruce, besides others more suitable for the older girls. There have not been as many entries as usual among the Lower School, but we are kept extremely busy, epecially menading books, which is not a favourite oocupation. However, we have tried to get most of them done, using two (or is It three?) bottles of paste in our efforts. We hope that next year. when we hand over our autles, the new Pifth will be as good Librarian as we hope we have been. K. W.



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